Wallpaper switcher program


Jun 5, 2004
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Does anyone know of a program that will switch your wallpaper after every time your comp comes back from idle (where the monitor turns off)?

The program needs to be simple, not a bloated resource hog that costs money.
I've actually been looking for one that chooses a random wallpaper from a folder full of files or whatever. And it's different every time you boot up.
Shit, that would be cool. If there isn't one, why the hell not?
Top Secret said:
I've actually been looking for one that chooses a random wallpaper from a folder full of files or whatever. And it's different every time you boot up.
You could do that really easily with javascript and active desktop
JFry said:
I googled "wallpaper program" and this is the first thing I found:
The webpage looks kinda lame but it seems like what you're looking for.

why the hell is the site pink? :|

anyways, gonna try it out

edits: err, it just crashed and it didn't look like it was gonna do what I wanted.
If you pay me 10 dollars an hour I will stand by your computer and change your background for you. I will also look at your porn when you are away.
vegeta897 said:
If you pay me 10 dollars an hour I will stand by your computer and change your background for you. I will also look at your porn when you are away.
Make it five and skip the first part, and you've got yourself a deal.
Stigmata said:
Make it five and skip the first part, and you've got yourself a deal.
Not so fast... What kind of porn do you have :O
What about ping pong balls? I heard those are good :D
I tried the wallpaper prog from sourceforge, but it's not that great.
Have you or someone you know pop out a kid. Freaking lazy bastards, they never do anything around here.
Ikerous said:
You could do that really easily with javascript and active desktop
I already did lol :D

Made it once for Joule when he was looking for a wallpaper, but he didn't need it anymore when he was done D:
I use webshots too. I like well enough. It does a pretty good job at resizing images and fitting them to the screen.
I used to have this program called WallMaster. I don't remember if it's free, though :(
hmmm, I haven't really found what I want yet.

I really want just a prog that switches it randomly from a folder every time my comp come out of sleep mode