Walmart's Release Date

For none US folk. 07/02/2004 is 2nd July 2004. UK has dd:mm:yy US has mm:dd:yy

and I wouldn't get your hopes up, its likely just another guess by store owners, im sure Amazon, Game, HMV, Virgin, EB and the others all have various dates aswell :(
Why would use dd/mm/yyyy? They don't even ship to Canada... much less Europe.

I think they just forgot to update it...
They arent using dd/mm/yyyy , they are using mm/dd/yyyy. Read Fenrics post.
I checked a few of the sites that fenric posted, virgin and hmv are both powered by amazon, and is advertising march 15, 2004. I thought that it being walmart, they would have had firm sources in order to put it on their website. and it is mm/dd/yyyy because if it wasn't, then the game wouldve been out by now. Goddamned guessing game. I doubt that itll be out by march with the way things have been going.
Is HL2 intended for a world wide release at once? Its worrying that would have planned the 15th March while would have a totally different date of 12th November.

Although this would suggest that there is no solid info at all on the release date otherwise the dates would be much closer (I am assuming if one site had the correct date it would share it with its sister site.)
Gabe said that HL2 will ship worldwide simultaneously, but that could be interpreted as "through Steam" rather than physical retail.


/me laughs at the new retail guess
If I remember correctly, Gabe said something like: "The Game will be released simultaneously worldwide through steam on the same day as it is released in North America."
July sounds pretty logical though. Say they show the game at E3 in May, then polish on it for a month. The game goes gold in June and shows up in the stores in July.
mm/dd/yyyy is SO illogical, what is wrong with Americans?

All this release date watching is pointless. When there's a real, solid release date, we'll hear about it!