Waltz with Bashir -An animated documentary about the Lebanon War


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score

Anyone seen this? I'll be watching it tomorrow, but it looks fantastic (bar that really annoying song in the trailer). Its an animated documentary of sorts. The movie itself is essentially the creator of the film, Ari Folman, trying to help himself remember things from when he was an Israeli soldier in the 1982 Lebanon War.

Also, the opening sequence is awesome. I found out about the movie via this gif.

Yeah, it's absolutely fantastic. I saw it in a little 12-seat cinema with a bunch of friends, it was incredibly moving.
I was going to see a really placid movie with my girlfriend - a comedy or something. We had read the screening time wrong and one of the movies next screening was Waltz with Bashir, I'd heard some good reviews so we saw that.

Our reaction was one of amazement, came to the cinema expecting a laugh and left moved and educated by a period of time and a life that I would have never really known about.
I might have to revisit this. I downloaded it once but it wasn't in english, had to read subtitles which turned me off of it.
Guess what

It's an Israeli film

It's in Hebrew

Not English

Read subtitles, be a man.
I've been meaning to see this but keep forgetting. It's one of those movies I heard about because of the soundtrack composer :eek: but the film itself does look good at first glance.

[edit] Oughtta clarify, that annoying song in the middle of the video is NOT by the composer I just mentioned (Max Richter). The first thirty seconds of classical music is what I was talking about.
It turned out to be a good movie. The story was good, well written for the most part. Cinematography was great, though the art style was hit or miss with some parts looking weird, and the timing of the character animation being oddly slow most of the time. The camera animation was great though.
Finally watched this, split over three nights because I was tired and kept falling asleep (my own fault, not the movie's). I thought it was really very good. I agree character animation was a little weird at times but after a while I stopped noticing. Film reminded me vaguely of Waking Life, not just because they're both animated (in really different styles, and obviously the content/topic is completely different), but also the structure of moving among different people's monologues.

I really liked the colors in the film. Apart from that, not much to say. It was sad.
I might have to revisit this. I downloaded it once but it wasn't in english, had to read subtitles which turned me off of it.

Interesting. I for one like subtitles better, because dubbing is most of time awkward and horrible.