Wanna relive the days of Toonami?

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
I think TOM would be proud. Take one look at this god damn lineup. Robotech? Roughnecks? Megas XLR? Samurai Jack and a slew of awesome shows? There is a god.



Classic Toon: 4:00PM
Batman: The Animated Series

Toonami: 5:00PM
Ronin Warriors
Dragon Ball Z
Gundam Wing

Special Feature: 7:00PM
Samurai Jack

Wednesdays: DBZ Abridged

Fridays: Feature Film

Cartoon Cartoon: 8:00PM
Dexter's Laboratory
Time Squad
Powerpuff Girls

Toonami: 9:00PM
Ronin Warriors
Dragon Ball Z
Gundam Wing

Comedy Hour: 11:00PM
Spaceghost: Coast to Coast
Home Movies
Cartoon Planet

Midnight Run: 12:00AM
Full Metal Alchemist
Lupin III
Ranma 1/2

Comedy Hour II: 2:00AM
The Brak Show

Cartoon Cartoon II: 3:00AM
Johnny Bravo
Cow and Chicken
Courage the Cowardly Dog

Second Coming 4:00AM

Rerun of todays schedule (12 hours)


[Revisions To Be Announced]

Rising Sun I: 8:00AM
The Tick
Mission Hill

Rising Sun II: 10:00AM
Transformers: G1
Beast Wars: Transformers
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles

Toonami Noon: 12:00PM
Batman Beyond

Afternoon Delight: 2:00PM
Yu Yu Hakusho
Rurouni Kenshin
Tenchi Muyo

Cartoon Cartoon: 4:00PM
Cow and Chicken
Dexter's Laboratory
Powerpuff Girls

Giant Robot Hour: 5:00PM
Megas XLR
Mobile Suit Gundam
08th MS Team

Toonami Evening: 7:00PM
Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop

Special Feature: 10:00PM

Saturday: Interstella 5555

Sunday: Feature Film

Toonami AfterParty: 11:00PM
Mystery Science Theater 3000

Second Coming 4:00AM
Oh god, I wanna buy cable JUST FOR THIS.

Of course, they need to show the new DBZ series, where no gay fillers are present.
It's a stream every single day/night, so there's probably archives of previous showings. Haven't checked around much. This is a god damn godsend though. All they need to do is play those old Gorillaz clips and DBZ with no filler like you said and this will be the best thing ever.
Beast Wars, Roughnecks, Mission Hill, Dexter's Laboratory, Powerpuff Girls? Yes please.
Man, that is an awesome lineup of cartoons I used to watch as a kid.
Sweet mother.

Today is a good day for nostalgia.
Lol, the only two shows I watched on that list were SGCTC, MST3k, and sort of Batman. My favorite cartoons aren't weeaboo nostalgia enough to ever see the light of day again :C
Holy ****ing Ads Batman! I went to the site, had one of those redirect ads, skipped it, got to the stream, which then was completely overlaid by another ad, which i closed, and then a video ad came on before the stream, and when that was over the stream started but with big obnoxious mini ads all over it which i had to close.

Almost not even worth it.

EDIT: And the chat on the right side pushed it over the edge, not worth watching it with a scrolling chat window with "N***ER N***ER N***ER" being typed every 10 seconds.
Hey wow I can actually watch this. No FUK U NON-US COPYRIGHT shit? Sweet.
So I had no idea what Toonami was.

But they have all the same shows as Cartoon Network. Which used to have a segment of it in the middle of the night called Toonami, which showed ****ing Trigun, Orphan, Evangalion, just silly anime stuff.
Lol, the only two shows I watched on that list were SGCTC, MST3k, and sort of Batman. My favorite cartoons aren't weeaboo nostalgia enough to ever see the light of day again :C
weeaboo nostalgia
One of those words you're using improperly. One of those words doesn't even make that much sense given the majority of that lineup. Unspoilered spoiler: it's the same word. Can you figure out which one it is?
There's a Morrowind review on. The robot's voice reminds me of something. Who is it?

Edit: Optimus Prime just did an ad for the Big O. Even the ads are awesome on this website.
This stream is amazing.
Must've spent close to 2 hours watching it yesterday.

Beast Wars and Roughnecks represent.
There's a Morrowind review on. The robot's voice reminds me of something. Who is it?

Edit: Optimus Prime just did an ad for the Big O. Even the ads are awesome on this website.
Steve Blum voiced Tom back in the day. Now he voices everything and his voice has become irritating.