Want 1 terabyte of email for free?


May 27, 2003
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Yes you read that right, even BIGGER than gmail :) With this you can send 500 MEGABYTE attachments (which is half a gig) which is absolutely crazy :afro:

My email even has MORE than 1 terabyte, I have an extra 70 megs I think :)


That's the article if you are skeptical


That's the site, email sign-ups are in the upper right :) Oh and yes it is a motorcycle site and it's sponsored by kawasaki.... Just sign up for email though for 100 times bigger than GMail :)

Me personally? I just signed up, I probably won't use it because I don't use that much email space!!! But sending 500 meg attachments is nice :afro: :smoking:
I don't really care.

I love google for the fact I can search, star and clump my mail so easy :)
The new email inbox, called the e-penis folder stores 100 times more data than the nearest competitor Gmail.
Uses for this kind of email storage have not yet been invented however, but it does seem to make account holders feel better about themselves.
lol exactly but hey I know someone on here will sleep better knowing that they have 1 terabyte of email space :P

Myself? I'm perfectly fine with my 10 meg SBC Yahoo account :)
bliink said:
The new email inbox, called the e-penis folder stores 100 times more data than the nearest competitor Gmail.
Uses for this kind of email storage have not yet been invented however, but it does seem to make account holders feel better about themselves.
Iced_Eagle said:
lol exactly but hey I know someone on here will sleep better knowing that they have 1 terabyte of email space :P
find them and destroy them.
Nah I signed up just so I could like "claim" it cause you never know when you could use it...

The only thing I like about it is the 500 meg attachments, taht seems really nice especially if you are sending around 3d artwork and render videos and such because I have some huge files....

PLUS, maybe someone will figure out a way to make it into another GMail drive? You know, so you can use the email address as another "hard drive" on your computer? I mean 1 terabyte of storage space that means!!!
lol, I could be a direct connect god if you could set it up as a hard drive :P
lol, their just trying to get more users than gMail by offering a rediculos ammound of space.

yeah, really, I just use my email for text and occasionally images. Most i've ever sent or recieved is a song or two... a terabyte is overkill.
Well of course they are trying to push out GMail :)

Will this plan work? Doubt it, their servers will crash if anyone gets to 1 terabyte.....

I get about 5 emails a day, but what I am really hoping for is if someone can turn this into a drive like I stated above :) Store all your *cough* legal *cough* MP3's on it ;)
lol i dont even need 2 mb(5% usage) and thats what i got with my hotmail now :D
h00dlum said:
lol i dont even need 2 mb(5% usage) and thats what i got with my hotmail now :D

You'll be upgraded to 250mb very very soon anyway.. couple of weeks at most i'd say
Hotmail sucks...I forgot my password to my hotmail account and I can't get it back. :frown:
I love moi hotmail. Does its job nicely with msn messenger. I got upgraded as im such a 'valued customer' apparently, even though everyone gets it...hmmm, i was over the moon till i realised that, like getting kicked in the teeth. 250mb, 3 pages of emails...97% free, lol why do i need more?
Here is my current email statistics :)

1% of 250.0MB

:D that's how much I'm using.... hehe
Tr0n said:
Hotmail sucks...I forgot my password to my hotmail account and I can't get it back. :frown:
lmao, Yes.. Hotmail sucks cuz you forgot your pass... XD
I wont signup to an account that has more space then my computer.

Besides I am near using 1mb of my gmail account.
It's a gimmick. They know they can do it because so few people will ever use that much and yet it's free marketing.
Hotmail sucks, i much prefer gmail's layout and its ease of use. It's good. Hotmail is just spoofed email spammage. :(
Lemonking said:
wow thats cool but nobody needs that much space

it sucks because of the spam you get
its like they have signed some type of contract with 100 spammer sites
I had like 10 accounts with them all got loads of spam for no reason (no i did not sign up in any free pr0n site)
Ennui said:
find them and destroy them.
The search has already begun.

If I could set this account up just for storage, it'd be fantastic :D But I reckon more as a backup, because I still don't trust online storage...largely due to the massive loss of files I've had in the past.
it would be great id you had to reformat your pc though wouldnt it?

you could store your music archive!
programs and things :)
or use it to transer information to other pc's
Wow, 1 terabyte of "Increase your pen 15 in 2 dayz!!11!!1" Emails. I am fine with robcom anyway
Im happy with hotmail thankyou :D, with 2 pcs combined I cant even get above 30gb so well whats the point
I bearly reach 2mb of mail in my hotmail, Im gonna sign up for sending files
Notice how attachment size is just short of an ISO size? Maybe that's on purpose...

It'd be funny if you used it back up your hard-drive right before they shut it down for warez abuse....
I am quite suspicious of this - i mean, i am planning to buy a 200gb harddrive, and that is a bargain, yet alone its costing me around £70 with VAT and shipping. So how can they afford to give us each a terabyte?

perhaps its some kind of space sharing scheme, where they know that most people wont appoach a few gigabytes, let alone hundreds and the terabyte limit.
they are only saying 1 terabyte each even though you will never really reach that
It's actually interesting. There's a very good library in Python that lets you use GMail as extra hard drive space. Nice, but not great, 1 GB isn't that great. Now, doing the same thing for this would be great, in essence, an extra terabyte for your hard drive...