Want a Good Musi/DJ creating software for free..


Mar 16, 2007
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The title speaks for itself. Could you all give me some recommendations for a good music creating software? Preferably one which is of a layer creation style where you put your sounds in parts into layers to create your music. Thanks in advance.
I've been looking for a windows clone of Garageband for ages now, and nothing even comes close.

Real shame :(.
There are several ways to go about doing this. I list only a couple.

You are looking for a polyphonic & music notation program that will convert your audio file to a MIDI format. You can then convert the MIDI audio file into sheet music. Such professional musician programs like "ProTools" do exactly that & so very much more. However, such programs can be extremely expensive to buy.

You can buy an adapter at most music stores that connects to your PC via the USB port. Your instrument, (Drums, voice, Guitar, Piano or other instrument or audio source) connects to the adapter which then records the audio to your PC. I know for an absolute fact that Target sells the adapter, because I saw it there yesterday. If you like, i'll get the exact name of it and then post it here for you.

Once you have the saved audio file, i'm almost 100% sure the adapter saves in midi format, but if it doesn't, you can easily convert MP3 to midi. The midi file can then be read & the different notes displayed & some programs will let you edit the note sequence, though i'm not 100% sure if the programs I list below do.

Let me know how things work.

Convert Audio File (MP3, WAV,) to Midi

Convert Midi to Sheet Music

Audio Notation Software Listing

To mix your own music, I advise a few different programs.

DJ MixMaster


AVS Audio Tools

MP3 Mixer & Recorder 1.2

Just a few ideas. I hope they help.

Thank you so much! You mean to add sounds and music into my mixer I have to convert them to midi?
Thank you so much! You mean to add sounds and music into my mixer I have to convert them to midi?

Honestly, no. I typed all that out before I realized that I had totally mis-read your post. I got it stuck in my head that you wanted to break down your music into individual notes & display them. Boy, was I ever off base! Since I had already typed it all out, I didn't want to just delete it.

Try a few from under:
MRG said:

Let me know if they work.