Want to Build Micro PC like Shuttle


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Need to know what motherboard is the way to go.

Right now I have this one picked out: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131014

Reviews say its pretty good.

I have the case and everything picked. Just need to know on this mobo.


Oh by the way, we have ATX PSU, will we need to get a modular PSU?

Oh and another thing, 8800GTX all the way, we need power. Recommend or else! D:

Case just for you pplzzzz. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163051
I have that case and mobo; if you're going to get an 8800 GTX you're probably going to have to remove the hard drive cage which means you'll need to put your hard drives in the 5.25" bays.

You can use a standard ATX PSU, though I would strongly recommend a PSU that meets the most of the following: short cables/modular cables, a bottom 120mm or greater fan, and most physically short PSU can find. I would recommend a Silverstone Power Supply; this one is very good because it meets all of these criteria.

It's mounted behind the 5.25" bays, so the website says the combined depth of the CD/DVD drive and power supply must be less than 355mm. I circumvented this by just getting an external CD/DVD drive; it works just fine for me.

For the motherboard, there are some better ones by Abit. The nf-M2 nview (AMD) and the F-I90HD Fatal1ty (intel)

I hope this advice helps.

P.S. There's a windowed version of the case.
I have that case and mobo; if you're going to get an 8800 GTX you're probably going to have to remove the hard drive cage which means you'll need to put your hard drives in the 5.25" bays.

You can use a standard ATX PSU, though I would strongly recommend a PSU that meets the most of the following: short cables/modular cables, a bottom 120mm or greater fan, and most physically short PSU can find. I would recommend a Silverstone Power Supply; this one is very good because it meets all of these criteria.

It's mounted behind the 5.25" bays, so the website says the combined depth of the CD/DVD drive and power supply must be less than 355mm. I circumvented this by just getting an external CD/DVD drive; it works just fine for me.

For the motherboard, there are some better ones by Abit. The nf-M2 nview (AMD) and the F-I90HD Fatal1ty (intel)

I hope this advice helps.

P.S. There's a windowed version of the case.

Way to go! You just changed our minds! :p

We decided to get the Abit motherboard and the case you linked. As for the 8800GTX, are you sure it wouldn't fit? From the info I found it is 8.7 inches long. I've decided to measure everything. 15.5" is the case, the mobo is 9.6", the HDD bay is I'm guessing 4-5", the card is shorter than the motherboard, and thats about it.

I think it will fit, but if worse comes to worse, I'll blow something up.

We also need 2 GB of ram. We need recommendations!
I really, really hate small form factor comps. Well first off I have an older model which is the http://hq1.shuttle.com/products_page03-spec.jsp?PLLI=69&PI=475
  1. As soon as I bought the comp, other way more superior computers came out. It's like they got noticed and started putting out really good computers after I bought mine. Now they don't support it or show it on their website anymore.
  2. The power supplies are terrible. I can only run 250W.
  3. Video cards are so big that I have to bend the case a little.
  4. Terrible in dealing with heat.
  5. Super cramped conditions.
  6. My USB stopped working for some reason (checked every reason) many months ago.
  7. Realtek sucks. I cannot stress this enough!
  8. AGP only.
  9. Basically upgrading is a major problem.
I have many grudges against Shuttle and for very good reasons. Now Shuttle is making some really amazing computers which is leaving my scratching my head. Like how do fit a water cooling system in there? How do they fit a DX10 video card in there? How do they even power up the video card? It's a shoebox ffs! :LOL: There are others too but I gotta say I want this computer: http://us.shuttle.com/SDXi.aspx
But that's way too much of an overkill and this is better: http://us.shuttle.com/P2_3900G_1.aspx
Now if you notice the "1337" computer has that really nice water cooling setup. No hoses or radiators, not anything to worry about. Unfortunately it's not sold seperately. I just might go with Shuttle again this Fall but idk. :dozey: *Rofl that second computer has a 400W power supply! AHAHAHA
I really, really hate small form factor comps. Well first off I have an older model which is the http://hq1.shuttle.com/products_page03-spec.jsp?PLLI=69&PI=475
  1. As soon as I bought the comp, other way more superior computers came out. It's like they got noticed and started putting out really good computers after I bought mine. Now they don't support it or show it on their website anymore.
  2. The power supplies are terrible. I can only run 250W.
  3. Video cards are so big that I have to bend the case a little.
  4. Terrible in dealing with heat.
  5. Super cramped conditions.
  6. My USB stopped working for some reason (checked every reason) many months ago.
  7. Realtek sucks. I cannot stress this enough!
  8. AGP only.
  9. Basically upgrading is a major problem.
I have many grudges against Shuttle and for very good reasons. Now Shuttle is making some really amazing computers which is leaving my scratching my head. Like how do fit a water cooling system in there? How do they fit a DX10 video card in there? How do they even power up the video card? It's a shoebox ffs! :LOL: There are others too but I gotta say I want this computer: http://us.shuttle.com/SDXi.aspx
But that's way too much of an overkill and this is better: http://us.shuttle.com/P2_3900G_1.aspx
Now if you notice the "1337" computer has that really nice water cooling setup. No hoses or radiators, not anything to worry about. Unfortunately it's not sold seperately. I just might go with Shuttle again this Fall but idk. :dozey:
That is why my friend is building his own micro atx computer. Its going to be 3 inches longer and two inches wider.

Anyway, if you build your own, its a lot cheaper and easier to upgrade. That is if you build your own micro of course.