Want to get a Mod team together



OK this is going to sound very, very vague and perhaps even weird.

Firstly, and most scary of all - I have NO experience in modelling, mapping, etc. Just web design.

But I want to get a community together to create an MP Half-life2 mod. The storyline, setting, etc, etc? Not 100% at all. But THAT is why I want to get a community of programmers, modellers, mappers, etc together so that we can together make a mod that is by Half-life 2 fans for half-life 2 fans, because at the end of the day we're the ones who know what we like.

Talking cr*p i know, but i hope you get an idea of what I mean by that lot.
Good luck on that... there really is a lack of "ideas men" and project leaders in the modding community.

I don't know how I lived before I discovered sarcasm
All great men are misunderstood. I fall into that category.

Good luck on your team.