Want to get big fast? Try this workout


Jul 1, 2004
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I'm going to tell you a way to put 20 lbs of solid muscle on your body in just 8 weeks. No gimmicks, no drugs, no supplements, just a simple routine that is practically guaranteed to work.

Last time I tried this workout I put on 10 lbs of muscular mass in a matter of weeks, but had to quit due to my osgood schlatter's disease (+ some bad advice)

Before starting this routine, you had better know how to squat.
Google more articles if you're still confused.

For the first week, just practice on getting your squat form correct. Do it with light weight for no more than ten reps. You can use a box to sit back on to help you get your form correct.

Squat as deep as you can and still be able to force yourself out of the hole.

Your last day, figure out how much weight you can squat (your one rep max)
Here's a few calculators:
Figure out how much weight you can pump out for less than 10 reps, then put that number in the calculator, figure out your 1RM.

Now, starting the next weight, put about 50-60% of that on the bar (keeping in mind the bar is 45 lbs...so if your 1 RM is 200 lbs, put on 55-60 lbs, for a total of 100-105 lbs)

Now comes the hard part, and this will be HARD. Don't go into this next part thinking it will be easy, be prepared to get your ass kicked.
You're going to take that weight, and squat it for 20 reps. You're not going to quit until you've pushed out every last rep, too.

When you first start, it should be easy, the 1st-5th rep, you should be thinking "this is nothing, do I even have weight on my shoulders?"
By the 10th rep, you should feel it, you should be thinking "what the hell was I thinking", if you're not in pain by the 10th rep there wasn't enough weight on the bar. Don't stop if that's the case though, just push out your 20. If you were in serious pain on the 10th, the next 10 reps will be one of the worst experiences of your waking life. Every fiber in your body will be screaming at you to quit, but don't. Successfully completing all 20 reps is vital. Stop and breathe between each rep, fill your lungs with air before each squat. Some people say hold your breath while you're going into the hole...maybe while going down, but exhale as you're pushing up or you'll pass out.
Once you're done, feel free to collapse and whimper. It's okay. Once you're able to stand again, grab a 25 lb barbell, get on a flat bench, and do pullovers.
That's just to stretch your chest out, will help with breathing.

Now do a marathon session of 3 sets of chinups, dips, and decline crunches:

Do them in order: Chinup -> Dip -> Crunch. This is one set. Don't rest, go straight through two more sets.

And you're done. You can go home. Go home and eat, lots of lean meats, whole wheat breads, rice, etc.

Try to get 1.5 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. So if you weigh 100 lbs get 150 grams of protein. Same for carbs. Eat half as many fats as you do protein and carbs. There's alot of sample diets online. Feel free to get protein powders, they help. I like Cytogainer, I'm a hardgainer and need a shitload of carbs. It includes creatine and glutamine so that takes care of two supplements right there.
None of this is necessary for serious gains however, the only thing that is necessary is good exercise and good diet. Don't touch supplements until you know you're eating right.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

The next time you do the workout, increase the weight by 5 lbs on the squats alone, the other exercises you will never increase resistance. If the first time was too easy, increase the weight by 10 or 15 lbs. The most you can still get 20 reps with. Go to the gym every other day, that's all that's necessary, you'll probably be in there for 30 minutes at most. Increase the squat weight by 5 lbs every single workout, unless of course the last time you couldn't get the full 20 reps out, in which case do the same weight again until you can do the full set.

This is a killer workout that will completely drain you. I've gotten back from the gym, I'll step out of the car and fall flat on my ass in the driveway. Embarrassing? Maybe, but consider that in the past week I've put half an inch on my biceps and gained about 2 lbs of muscle (I maintain 5% bodyfat, I've got God's own metabolism), it's definitely worth it.

Just a bit of advice hl2.net, try it and see.
Just a bit of advice hl2.net, try it and see.

kk will do. kind of skeptical though

(I maintain 5% bodyfat, I've got God's own metabolism)

lol wut?
that is really, really unhealthy what are your eating habits like in relation to your metabolism? Are you on a diet? Generally between 5% and 20% is the safe mark
kk will do. kind of skeptical though

lol wut?
that is really, really unhealthy what are your eating habits like in relation to your metabolism? Are you on a diet? Generally between 5% and 20% is the safe mark

My philosophy for eating is "if it holds still long enough for me to eat it, that must be an invitation"

I just can't keep fat on my body to save my life, but that also means it's hard for me to gain muscle.
My philosophy for eating is "if it holds still long enough for me to eat it, that must be an invitation"

I just can't keep fat on my body to save my life, but that also means it's hard for me to gain muscle.

****ing hell you must eat like a horse!

...I want your body

**** workouts of high caliber like this, unless you want to look like a Gargantua or Arnie Swartzanoodle whatevar. Only real trick to staying healty and %5 bodyfat is dont eat McDonalds and other fat shit like it and exercising, even if it's only walking a bit. I eat loads of Italian. Forza Spaghetti!!!

Bro, I've got cut muscles from very light workouts from 10 (high rep like 100 each arm) and 20 pound dumbbells (lower rep) and nothing more than my bodyweight in bench presses. I often just do less than my bodyweight because I'm only 135, I sometimes do 120 or 125. I never squat. I like to run to keep up stamina for soccer
Well, if you don't mind being skinny, then yeah, high reps and bodyweight exercises are what you're looking for. I don't feel like being skinny anymore, hence killer routines like this.
I've got awesome metabolism too ... I can eat whatever the hell I want, and usually I have about 5x what you'd call a single serving.
I'm not going to try this workout because i'm just too lazy. I'm already pretty muscular anyway, I don't think I want any more.
When i saw that title i was ready for a BIG guide on how to masturbate.
(Yes i'm very special)
guys if you masturbate furiously everyday and make sure you orgasm at least 4 times, or to the point you want to take a 3 hour nap afterwards, you're sure to lose a lot of weight... and hey, you might even have some good muscle in your wanking arm!
guys if you masturbate furiously everyday and make sure you orgasm at least 4 times, or to the point you want to take a 3 hour nap afterwards, you're sure to lose a lot of weight... and hey, you might even have some good muscle in your wanking arm!
And the useless post of the year award goes to....

I think it's a contender for most unfunny post of the year as well.
And the useless post of the year award goes to....

I think it's a contender for most unfunny post of the year as well.

Damn, my post was going for that award. Oh well, there's always next year!
i just want to be ripped, like bruce lee. I can gain muscle pretty easily but the only thing is i eat so much fast food haha, but yet i barely gain any weight from it.
It needs too much equipment.

Wait, what? You just need a squat rack, chin up bar, dip rack, and bench. Basic components of any gym....can't afford a gym membership? Buy some wood and build your own, that's what I did for months.