Want to see why we like valve?


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Ok... We hate delays.... but what about games that have been out for a good 9 months that really should be considerd a beta? If you take a look here
You can see SOE or star wars galaxies has no respect for the people that pay their bills. They have pulled their dev team off of fixing bugs and adding things that should have been in the game 9 months ago to their expansion JTL to finish it for the christmas season. AFTER 49 PAGES of people telling them to fix the game that they bought 9 months ago sony is STILL!!!!! saying they are keeping their dev team on JTL and basicaly saying F all its customers. As the game stands now if you play their 14 day trial you will surely agree in the curent state the game is in its repetative, broken and just down right CRAP!

So next time you get mad at valve for finishing their game and keeping us in the dark about whats going on just think about all the poor people who played SWG and how their game will never be out of beta.
I have nothing agains valve but their poor planing ablities. If the game if going to be finished in 2005, fine, but do tell us that. Don't give us September 2003 :)
That is exactly why I will never play a MMORPG

As for Valve - Let them take their time.
yup, I think it is well known that SOE is crap, for this very reason.
The only tihnk close to an mmorpg that i will play is guildwars....There is no monthly fee \o/ Or i should say, will be no monthly fee as the game isn't out yet.
monthly fees suck

im actually fine with half life 2 being delayed.
guchi said:
monthly fees suck

im actually fine with half life 2 being delayed.
My thoughts exactly. It must be expensive playing games like Ever Quest and stuff like that. I will hopefully never become an MMORPG-player. (Except for games that aren't pay-to-play games.)

VALVe rocks mainly because they care about their community. Ok so the september 2003 wasn't the best thing ever. I don't really blame them for not being able to finish the game in time and not telling us, even though they could have.
The longer we wait, the better HL2 will be. :thumbs:
I had swg preordered but after its 7th delay I desided it was gonna be crap and got hl2 instead. I heard bad bad things about it and was then confident in my desicion. I played the 14 day trial and all I can say is I feel sorry for the people who pay for the game. It's so expensive (15 a month) and it was boring too
The reason we like valve is the same reason crackwhores like their dealers, they have the product and we will be nice enough and make them feel good so that we get the product as soon as possible.
Except dealers usually have their product when they say they will...

Sorry it had to be said :)
Yeah i played that swg beta and it wasnt very fun, one guy even attacked me ina bar fileld with laods of people and no one even moved or anything
Yeah, Valves only serious problem is the hype around HL2. Expectations are high, pressures on, you can see why they don't want to rush things.
Farrowlesparrow said:
The only tihnk close to an mmorpg that i will play is guildwars....There is no monthly fee \o/ Or i should say, will be no monthly fee as the game isn't out yet.

Guildwars is an mmorpg, it will charge however for optional content updates that should show up very often (every 1/2 months). Never was a fan of SOE they seem to just whore out mmo games and not actually support them. MMORPG's are boring and usually feature the same cliche traits everquest and such games have employed for years. The genre needs a breakthrough more badly then Oprah needs a consistent weight.
I played SWG at launch(Or should I say day after launch? :laugh )
I stayed for about a month and a half. Then I grew incredibly bored with it, I got tired of how unbalanced PVP was, all the bug's, half the features that really made the game appealing not actualy in the game at launch, and the redundancy of the game.
I ended up cancling my account and I think the most fun i've had with that game was uninstalling it.
Kinda seems funny how people are just starting to REALLY notice how much the game is crappy.
And back onto the subject of Valve:
I really like Valve, I just dont think they have the best communication among their customers/potential customers nor do they have the best planning abilities.
But, like i've said before, wtf do I know? I just play video games =/
i find it very strange that the game will ever be out. it just kindof in my mind as being one of those permanant background things... i just automatically think of HL2 as being a game that will forever be one step ahead of my calender. to think that one day.. i will open the box and insert the disc in my drive... is kindof strange...

of course, thats only because its such a good game. if i was to think of duke nukem forever, for instance...
Wow, that's probably the longest thread I've ever seen of vitriol, hatred, and damnation. I've been around for the Doom 3 Vs. HL2 flames, the HL2 hack, and the HL2 9/30 delay, and this one ranks right up there.
I played SWG for about a year, I quit for those same reasons: DEVs didn't give a crap about the gameplay, tbh in over 10 months of playing I never saw a single admin, NEVER... and the dev team hasn't even played the game apparently. I'm glad I quit, biggest waste of time & money I've experienced, I'd rather stab myself in the eye than to suscribe to another SOE product.
Suicide42 said:
i find it very strange that the game will ever be out. it just kindof in my mind as being one of those permanant background things... i just automatically think of HL2 as being a game that will forever be one step ahead of my calender. to think that one day.. i will open the box and insert the disc in my drive... is kindof strange...

of course, thats only because its such a good game. if i was to think of duke nukem forever, for instance...

Yeah, its kinda strange.

DNF will be out someday... now that will be a strange day. (dont turn this into a DNF thread, infact no more coments on the said game)
So ... the duke huh ... ? :rolleyes:

[I'd like to say hi to the valve dudes (and dudettes) working hard to make sure we have fun. So hi there! Keep it up, go go go!]!=0

...and they lived happily ever after...with monsters...and the duke was there...bring pizza...

Farrowlesparrow said:
The only tihnk close to an mmorpg that i will play is guildwars....There is no monthly fee \o/ Or i should say, will be no monthly fee as the game isn't out yet.

And if there is a monthly fee after all this time I'm going back to Rp'ing in NWN HOTU.
Murray said:
My thoughts exactly. It must be expensive playing games like Ever Quest and stuff like that. I will hopefully never become an MMORPG-player. (Except for games that aren't pay-to-play games.)

MMPORPGs need to be pay per play in order for them to pay for ongoing development (new content/storylines has to be added continually) and their server costs (which are phenomenal). You generally pay a standard monthly flat fee of between £8 to £15 pounds to play, which really isn't a great deal when you consider you get unlimited play time for the entire month. As recreational entertainment goes it's one of the cheapest things available. You probably would spend more than that going to the cinema, which equates to 2 - 2.5 hours of entertainment.

All online gaming costs (even CS) because someone has to pay the server rental costs somewhere down the line (see https://secure.jolt.co.uk/index.php?page=clanserver.php for example)

However I do feel sorry for those people who signed up for SWG and have been stiffed over by SOE by being sold a shoddy bug ridden and incomplete game. I was involved in the betatesting and like many other testers was amazed that the developers chose to go gold when the game content was neglible, the mechanics had hardly been tested at all, and the bugs were common place.

Unfortunately the lure of the Star Wars name was always going to mean that regardless of how poor the product was it was going to sell like hot cakes and also that the vast majority of it's playerbase wouldn't be too discerning about it's lack of content as long as they would get to enact their SW fantasies.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
MMORPG's are boring and usually feature the same cliche traits everquest and such games have employed for years. The genre needs a breakthrough more badly then Oprah needs a consistent weight.

The distinct problem with MMPORPGs is that through their very nature they have to offer up generic quests/situations. You go to the dungeon, you kill the beasties then two hours later you go back again and kill the same beasties again. Pretty soon players are just camping the Dungeon in order to maximise the beastie killing..and that is when it becomes boring.

The trend has been towards bigger worlds and numbers of players, but I think the true solution is worlds with less players and more player/role specific content. Imagine a gameworld as detailed as morrowind with maybe only 50 - 200 players on it, each one with a random main storyline quest (some of which will bring them into conflict with other players) and numerous other side quests plus lot's of detailed and reactive NPCs. Idealistic perhaps, but if players were prepared to pay slightly more to participate not impossible.