Wanted: Christopher Walken's speech from Mouse Hunt (mp3)

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
The bit where he's talking about "think like a mouse" etc. Higher the quality the better, ripped from DVD best idea.

Anyone happen to have the film on DVD? :)
The Dark Elf said:
Anyone happen to have the film on DVD? :)


except, i don't have any decent dvd-ripping software anymore [formatted, forgot the names], and i probably wouldn't be able to cut out that part anyway.

good movie :)
destrukt said:

except, i don't have any decent dvd-ripping software anymore [formatted, forgot the names], and i probably wouldn't be able to cut out that part anyway.

good movie :)
Yeah its on at the moment, but by the time I realised it was too late to get a recording, posted minutes after the scene lol.
Why don't you just use Audcity and record what your playing?
Venmoch said:
Why don't you just use Audcity and record what your playing?
Because I would then require a time machine to go back to when the film was on.
Try to search on p2p network, you'll be surprised from wha you can find or download the movie from a torrent site, and while your at it I would also recommend the court speech from boondock saints at the end of the movie, that is so so cool, and ofcourse the ezikiel speech from Pulp Fiction.
The Dark Elf said:
Because I would then require a time machine to go back to when the film was on.

Was talking about the person with no DVD Ripping software.

All you need is something that'll play the DVD.

-EDIT- And The Dark Elf we all know you have a time machine. :p We also know what you use it for...... -EDIT-
Venmoch said:
Was talking about the person with no DVD Ripping software.

All you need is something that'll play the DVD.

-EDIT- And The Dark Elf we all know you have a time machine. :p We also know what you use it for...... -EDIT-
yeah i can't get enough of that cavegirl ass :p
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
We can always hope he is talking about the TV children's programme, called Cavegirl.

I didn't know what film to watch, it was either going to be Equilibrium, or James Bond: A view to a Kill. Hearing about Christopher Walken has made my decision :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
We can always hope he is talking about the TV children's programme, called Cavegirl.

The amount of tanned tits, bums and thighs in that show I'm still surprised its a kids show... lol
haha, i cant remeber that speech? i love the film...the one with Lee Evans? He cracks me up :D

edit: damn it was on this morning :( missed it, i saw honey i blew up the kids though, lol
Hectic Glenn said:
haha, i cant remeber that speech? i love the film...the one with Lee Evans? He cracks me up :D
Who wha? The only actors I remember in there are Nathan Lee, Chris Walken, Lars Ulrich, and William(?) Hickey.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Who wha? The only actors I remember in there are Nathan Lee, Chris Walken, Lars Ulrich, and William(?) Hickey.
Evans was one of the main stars in the film and you don't remember him in it?? hehe
The Dark Elf said:
Evans was one of the main stars in the film and you don't remember him in it?? hehe
Oh! Pffft. Just googled it. For some reason I was under the impression that that guy's name was Lars Ulrich.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Oh! Pffft. Just googled it. For some reason I was under the impression that that guy's name was Lars Ulrich.
well his character's name is Lars so probably got it from that heh :)