Wanted: Outlaws and Lawmen Redesign - HELP

Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score

Wanted: Outlaws and Lawmen will take form a unique mode of gameplay. In this, Outlaws need to complete objectives to gain money. To do this, they need to get together and go to one of the many objective areas in the map. By doing this the Outlaws activate the mission and a timer is shown to both teams. They have a timed limit to complete the objective and return the money to their base location. If they do this they gain money added to their current score. If they fail in the time limit the outlaws lose the ability to attempt the mission for five minutes. The lawmen need to stop the outlaws from reaching their monetary goal or the Outlaws win the game.


Should there be an additional punishment for failing to complete the mission as an outlaw? Is the time loss enough?

Should Lawmen have the ability to "arrest" Outlaws? Once Outlaws die they have 15 seconds untill they respawn. The Lawman, if they press use on the outlaws corpse for 10 of those seconds, can double the time to 30 seconds.


sounds kinda complicated. Can't we all just shoot eachother with revolvers and have show downs and whatnot?
Well my thought was why make it soo complicated and simplify the gameplay a bit still holding the core gameplay mechanics you have come up with.

One tried and true multiplayer gameplay style is CS method. Im not talking about semi-realism with arcadey shooting action. Im talking about the round based gameplay and objectives for the maps.

One thing I was thinking, make it round based, so when someone wins the round they get a point. So how do they win the round? Well each faction has their own requirements.
Outlaws: They have multiple objectives, one being to rob a bank and return the money to their hideout. If they return the required amount of money then they win the round.
Lawmen: They can either neutralize the Outlaws through capturing them and taking them to custody or killing them. There could be other objectives like finding their stash and confescating it.

If you wanted to make it a constant game, then you could go based off of the two teams different scoring systems. Outlaws would be based on money, it wouldnt matter how many Lawmen they killed. The Lawmen would be based on how many Outlaws they actually capture and arrest instead of kill. It would provide interesting gameplay mechanics and I think would be quite fun. Im just tossing a few ideas around. Also the Outlaws could escape prison to make their spawn time shorter, with the help of a friend. Or something like that. Good luck.
The style I wrote would be to make it different. It could be a cookie cutter CS style game, but why does it have to be? This just leads to people being bored with it, seeing as it would give little more than new models, and it would go to waste. This also would bring more of an open gameplay with choices, instead of "DO THIS NOW" gameplay.
Thats why I proposed the later ideas as thats what you wanted, but more organized. You have to have objectives, if you dont, people wont know what to do and will probably not like it cause its just DM.
People will know the objectives, at each map it will say what the objective choices are and they are able to choose them. They need to do them to win, just like any other objective based mod, however, they have choice.
Im just giving advice, take it or leave it.

My personal oppinion is if you give them too much choice, then they will not choose anything. So they can DM or go for the objectives. What about the Lawmen, what are their objectives?
Like CS, they have a time to complete their monetary goal. What if outlaws do nothing? They lose. Outlaws need to get their money to win. The lawmen objective is to stop the Outlaws from completing their goals.

The crits are nice, sorry if I sound angry at you. Just rebutting with my beliefes.