Warcraft Film?

Eh, if did right, they could expand on the Warcraft storyline, which was awesome before 3 mind you...maybe they can turn it back around.
What was wrong with 3's story?

Well, during the human campaign, they must have ran out of ideas all together, since it's virtually idea identical to StarCraft...Arthas is a great asset to the Alliance, gets turned undead, and is the best thing the undead has according to the Witch King *or whatever he is called*. The demon race fails, is dead, and that leaves the Witch King and Arthas in charge of the undead *if I remember correctly*...never played The Frozen Throne, due to my lack of enjoyment in War3. I play games strictly for their storyline sometimes, but when the story lacks along with teh gameplay, I just can't play.

They figured, "People are probably getting bored of the Orc VS Human stories we have, though they are great, lets have them ALL TEAM UP vs one bad central bad guy *Think of the end of the original StarCraft, where the protoss and the Terrans join forces to destroy the Overmind...*

I'm sorry, but I just didn't find the story original enough. I know games have sotries which resemble anohter game, but when it blatently copies the story from another game THEY created.....just....yeah.
Eh, I tried to look at it individually. I see what you mean though. I think Arthas' turn to evil was a bit more original than Kerrigan's though (didn't she just kind of...choose to be evil?), and yeah, I never did play FT's single-player campaign, I should do that someday..
Eh, I tried to look at it individually. I see what you mean though. I think Arthas' turn to evil was a bit more original than Kerrigan's though (didn't she just kind of...choose to be evil?), and yeah, I never did play FT's single-player campaign, I should do that someday..

Nah, Kerrigan was sent down to the planet to protect the Zerg from the Protoss invasion, but when the mission ended, the Zerg over-ran the encampment, and they took Kerrigan, and "infested" her. Brain washed her and everything. The reason in the 4thish level on the Zerg Campaign, Raynor came to Char to look for Kerrigan, because she was calling to Raynor and Mangst to save her, but by the time the "infestation" was finished, she had complete power, and the will of the Overmind was in her, and couldn't be shaken...she then grew in power, and acted on her own will when the Overmind was destroyed at the end of the game.

So in essence, the Sword cursed Arthas, and the Overmind cursed Kerrigan, I don't see much of a difference :P

And yeah, I'll probably buy the BattleChest for War3 *GET THIS, At Target, the Starcraft battlechest is only 5 dollars...* when it gets cheap enough, but for now, I'll live ;P

I'm borrowing War3 from a friend now, but he doesn't have FT.
Nah, Kerrigan was sent down to the planet to protect the Zerg from the Protoss invasion, but when the mission ended, the Zerg over-ran the encampment, and they took Kerrigan, and "infested" her. Brain washed her and everything. The reason in the 4thish level on the Zerg Campaign, Raynor came to Char to look for Kerrigan, because she was calling to Raynor and Mangst to save her, but by the time the "infestation" was finished, she had complete power, and the will of the Overmind was in her, and couldn't be shaken...she then grew in power, and acted on her own will when the Overmind was destroyed at the end of the game.

So in essence, the Sword cursed Arthas, and the Overmind cursed Kerrigan, I don't see much of a difference :P

And yeah, I'll probably buy the BattleChest for War3 *GET THIS, At Target, the Starcraft battlechest is only 5 dollars...* when it gets cheap enough, but for now, I'll live ;P

I'm borrowing War3 from a friend now, but he doesn't have FT.

Ah, true, but I actually liked Kerrigan, where as I thought that Arthas deserved a slap. Suffice to say I did not particularly enjoy the first 2 campaings of WC3.

The FT campaing was not really anything to shout about, though i did enjoy the night elf, blood elf and bonus campagins. The final undead one was for the most part rather... meh. Mainly due to the high degree of Arthasness and him not getting pwnt by Sylvanus.
If it was done in CGI, then I'd say yes.

And if Blizzard's writers were doing the story, then yes.

And, when I played the original Warcraft I was a stupid kid that only wanted blood, explosions, etc. in his games.
So I never got to get into the storyline of them.
Now I can't even run the original D:
Blizzard has said it would be a live-action film. Meaning actual actors instead of CGI.

Balls to that. Blizzard cinematics are some of the best around. Even when I find some segments of their games subpar, I trudge on because I want to see that wonderful computer-generated goodness.
You do realise you have an avatar of The Rock? I thought I would point that out.

Warcraft movie? Eugh. We don't need one, South Park have already made an episode on it.


but seriously this was announced around the time superman was coming out. There was even an interview with Brandon Routh about him trying to get into the movie.

I wouldnt mind seeing a movie like this at all.
It could be good, the Warcraft has great lore, a cool mix of old mythologies with Titans and all, the studio producing it did good work so far, Blizzard has a good background of only releasing stuff meeting quality standards.
You do realise you have an avatar of The Rock? I thought I would point that out.

Quoted for destroyed-ness. It was funny, after I saw what you did to him, I decided I would guess his age (the OPs). I guessed 16 1/2 years. I was only off by a little less than two months. (and yes, I realize I am only 18 1/2)

Secondly, warcraft move?

Unless the entire movie done by Blizzard's cinematic team, it would probably be so-so. But I think that would take more than a couple years.
Soon as I saw it announced I said to myself "it better be CGI". But oh well... here's to another LotR only with greener orcs and bluer elves.

Five bucks says they give into net culture like with the Juggernaut in X3 and include some lame expression like "nerf", although carefully disguised so as not to break the fourth wall.
It might work.

God, I hope so.

Cyberpitz said:
So in essence, the Sword cursed Arthas, and the Overmind cursed Kerrigan, I don't see much of a difference
To be fair, he'd already completely lost his humanity by the time he found the sword. Since the entire first campaign of Warcraft III represented an archetypal descent into evil, it wasn't the sword that stole his 'soul'. He gave it up willingly.

I find the exchange where he's told he has no soul and he's like 'meh, okay' quite amusing.