Warhammer 40K


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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Anyone collect them? I'd love to, but here, they're $40 for a Sentinel walker, and only sell at the Yongsan US 8th Army base. Which I can't get into, because they're afraid I might be a communist spy and torch the place.

Still, I'm gonna get my hands on them someday. I like the look of these Cadian Imperial Guards. And the armageddon steel legions. :p

Damn codex costing $40....
40K's pretty awesome, but not as good as Fantasy. I collect Fimir for fantasy.

Just make sure you've got people to play with. People jump in alot and suddenly realise they've got no-one to play with.

Try shopping on E-Bay to start yourself off, they sell a lot of stuff for cheap on there.

-Angry Lawyer
I used to collect them in the 90's they started getting hideously expensive however.

I decided to switch to using 1/72 scale military models for wargaming which work out much cheaper and being on a smaller scale whilst still retaining individual units allow for some awesome battles!
The problem is, no one is sad enough to play me anymore :(
I've got a huge Cadian Imperial Guard army all boxed up. Only the latest plastic Cadians, though. They look kickass.
I used to play. I had a Blood Angels army, and later made a Tau army. Unfortunately, my brothers who i played with got bored, and the two friends i had that played went to a college in another state. I eventually sold my space marine army. Still got my tau one though, in hopes that i will one day be able to play again.
I used to play (Eldar), but got sick of all the nerds.
We generally went to the pub after a gaming night, and I once got stuck between uber-nerd #1 and uber-nerd #2, who spent an hour discussing the invulnerability of the hive fleets around Terra. Fun.
I used to collect them in the 90's they started getting hideously expensive however.

I decided to switch to using 1/72 scale military models for wargaming which work out much cheaper and being on a smaller scale whilst still retaining individual units allow for some awesome battles!
The problem is, no one is sad enough to play me anymore :(

yea, like 5 terminator set is now like 80 bucks u.s. i think
I have about 1000 points of necrons and about 3 space marines actually painted. Chaos is being redone later this year so i might convert them. the steel legion isnot available any more iirc, but theres forgeworld DKoK (*drool*) that look like them.
I have a 5000 point Space Wolves army lying around somewhere. Although like others have said, no one is sad enough to play it with me anymore.
I actually do have a game soon, my 'crons vs my mates iron hands (1500 pts), My other mates needs to build his damn chaos then i can have a game with him.
Sheesh are prices of warhammer steeeep!!

I used to collect Tau and Dark Angels. Now they just sit on my shelf looking pretty. Ive carried the dream on by playin 40k on my pc. A much more cheaper version :D
Imperial guard ftw! I used to have a load of catachans... they were so metal.
I used to be well into 40k and Warhammer - Orcs ftw. Then boobs became interesting and my armies were retired into the attic.

While i'll never get back into playing - just haven't the time - i'd adore a faithful video game version. None of this real time nonsense - choose your army, the number of points you're playing with, randomly generate an awesome looking 3d landscape, and play 40k/Warhammer as it's always meant to be played, but online, with other nerds :)
40K's pretty awesome, but not as good as Fantasy.
Damn straight. I love Skaven for so many reasons, if only there weren't so many models to paint.

Just make sure you've got people to play with. People jump in alot and suddenly realise they've got no-one to play with.
Happened to me...kinda. Someone else convinced me to start, then he stopped collecting them himself. I got free Orcs and a few free Skaven but I had no one to play with.