Warhammer Comes to Dota 2! - ValveTime News Round-Up (9th May 2016)


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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After accidentally missing last week thanks to one of my own blunders, we're back to recap the past two weeks of Valve news! With Valve once again quiet, the biggest news we have to discuss revolves around the on-going Dota 2 / Warhammer cosmetic item contest, the re-tweaking of the 6.87 balance update, and a mind-blowing new speedrun of Half-Life 2!

We're hoping news should pick up again sometime soon, so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Thanks for watching!
lol wut. also goddamn I'm sad that WHFB keeps getting all the love despite the fact that 40K is way better and more popular in tabletop. But I guess I'll live since Dawn of War 1 is the only truly good 40K game of the recent crop.