Warhammer Online to launch with Aussie-based server


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Just in case any of my Oceanic brethren had their eye on this game, or wanted their MMO fix without the usual latency issues or 3am raids, good news!

To answer some inevitable questions, YES the server is actually based in Australia and not just "labeled" as such, as in the WoW Oceanic servers. YES the server will run on the same hardware as the American servers. YES, Oceanic players will still have the option to play on the American servers... I mean, if they really want to. NO, Warhammer Online isn't just a WoW clone, do your research please. YES, it is being published by EA, make of that what you will.

The game has been delayed recently (currently set for a Quarter 3/4 release), which if you know anything about MMOs is a good thing as there's nothing worse than an unfinished MMO, especially if you've been following the recent trend of "paid beta tests" (as they're affectionately referred to as :P). Personally I think it only spells good things about EA's role in that they're committed enough to give it the proper time to be polished and ready for release (which is the only way it can hope to compete with WoW anyway), so +1 respect to them.

The server FAQ from the WAR site - http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warherald/NewsArticle.war?id=135

Interviews on the server and WAR in general with IGN and Gamespot.

The WAR site if you're interested in learning more about the game - http://www.warhammeronline.com/

Anyway, not expecting a huge response to this, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway. This has me down as pretty much a guaranteed player, and it seems like many Aussies/NZers are feeling the same way since we're finally being taken seriously as a territory in the MMO market. I mean for christ's sake, even WoW doesn't have a dedicated server here, and it's been around for years with a pretty sizeable Oceanic player base.

But I digress. You may return to your regularly scheduled Conan fappage. :)
I thought this dies ages ago. Can you play as Skaven?
WAR looks decent, but I'd prefer if it was either FFA pvp (like EVE) or 3-way factions like DAoC.
Haha they'd better limit it to only Oceania or bandwidth is going to cost them, not that EU/USA folk would have any reason to use it. Oh and it better bloody be on PIPE http://www.pipenetworks.com/ or people will rage. Australians and New Zealanders have bandwidth quotas. PIPE is basically free data at least for us Aussies anyway.
A few years!? We don't have that long dude, the world ends in less than 2 years!