Warning about the Saturn SL-1

DeVry Student

Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
I just wanted to get a warning out about the Saturn SL-1 2001 model sedan.

Saw someone zipping past me on I-435 this afternoon, and "joined" in the race (like that Need for Speed: Underground commercial states - its like cat and mouse)... so I was drag racing on I-435 this afternoon, going up a hill with the pedal floored - and when the engine hit 105 MPH it lost power temporarily, knocked off about 5 MPH, and started emitting a burning rubber smell.

I know this is a stupid thing to do and everything, but it is also sad that a car can reach a limit at only 105 MPH.

The smell went away once I returned to the speed limit (70 MPH) after about a half-minute. No engine lights, the termal indicator didnt even go up to half-way.

Just to let all everyone know bout this possible defect.
not sure about the burning rubber

most car have speed limiters to back you down. the limiter is usally set to stock speed rating of the tires, or if they know of potential problems over x mph.

Sounds like a driver issue more than a car issue and for the record after 90mph any accident almost gurantess a fatality.