(warning: stupid thread) drinking and the flu


Apr 24, 2004
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I'm not sure if you can call it the flu, since it's that temporary sickness where you get a lot of liquid boogers (rhinorrhea i think it's called).

If I have this sickness (it usually ends in 1-2 days) is it safe to drink alcohol? I just drink for fun.

I just thought I'd ask because hell maybe I'd grow an extra pair of nipples on my legs as a consequence. Or something.
why wouldnt it be? drink till you cant tell what the surface below you is.
Hey man - if you grow extra nipples on your leg from drinking, fire straight in and post the photos; forge a new front ear as it were...: )
Drink up. Just try not to get too inebriated- you don't want to puke from two causes at once :E
It'll be safe to drink as long as you aren't taking any medicines. As long as you aren't then go enjoy yourself. It might take a little longer to get better if you do though :)
Drink scotch, either straight or with ice. It'll cut straight through the mucous.

-Angry Lawyer