Washington creates online service for spanish speaking students


Nov 17, 2003
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Sounds good huh?

Gov. Gregoire, schools superintendent join president of Mexico in launching online-learning program
OLYMPIA – May 17, 2005 – Gov. Christine Gregoire and Terry Bergeson, state superintendent of public instruction, yesterday joined Mexico’s President Vicente Fox and others in launching a web site and online resources that will allow 55,000 Latino students in Washington to take school classes online in Spanish.

The curriculum, which will include basic literacy and high-school-level subject matter that can apply toward graduation, has been produced in Spanish by the government of Mexico. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction will ensure the curriculum meets the state’s learning standards. The materials will be offered to all Washington school districts and other educational-service agencies through a portal called Washington CONVEyT, which will be hosted and maintained by the Yakima School District and accessible via the Internet statewide.

Yesterday’s ceremony to inaugurate the portal took place via a teleconference involving participants in Mexico, Olympia, Yakima and Wisconsin. In addition to Gregoire, Bergeson and Fox, participants included Yakima School District Superintendent Benjamin A. Soria, Mexican Consul Jorge Madrazo, Rep. Phyllis Kenney, and two officials from Wisconsin, where a similar Spanish-language online-learning program is being launched.

“It is always a great day when we make more learning opportunities available to our students and community members,” Gregoire said. “I am especially thankful that our nations have come together to work collaboratively on this endeavor.”

The governor said more than 12 percent of Washington’s student population is Hispanic, adding, “The web site will bring a needed resource to our high school students and community.”

“Only through education can we prepare students to face the realities of the 21st century workforce,” Gregoire said. “And only through education can we understand and appreciate the similarities and differences of our cultures.”

Bergeson said the Spanish-language web portal would allow Latino students in Washington to make stronger academic gains, using materials in their own language, while they continue toward fluency in English. “No longer will language barriers be an impediment to student learning,” she said.

Bergeson lauded the Yakima School District for hosting the new online-curriculum portal and for creating Plazas Comunitarias, a facility where students can access computers and other support in using the web portal. “I know Yakima will lead the way in showing other districts throughout our state the wealth of opportunities the site offers to students learning English as a second language.” Other school districts in Washington will be able to access the portal and its resources at no cost.

She also noted that the web site will help many English-speaking students who want to learn Spanish. “Just as important,” she added, “it will help advance the education of many Hispanic adults in our state. The possibilities for the site’s use are limited only by our imaginations.”
Waste of tax dollars? Dissolution of American culture? How about they make a website that teaches english instead. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit about people coming to a country, not bothering to learn the official language, get an education handed to you at the expense of tax payers who are already dealing with this shitty economy, throwing millions of dollars down the drain.

I have nothing against spanish speaking people, or students who want to learn spanish. But how about we actually quit spending money on this bullshit, use it to teach spanish speakers english, and use it to improve our foreign language programs? Hell how about we quit wasting money on this multicultural crap anyway and start making education for AMERICANS better.

Tell me you people agree? We pay for the illegal immigrants and their education and social welfare. Nobody has to do ANYTHING in this country to make it anymore. All you gotta do is hop across the border, and BAM you get free healthcare, free education, and theres no doubt thousands of scholarships for illegal immigrants too - in WA state there are ways they even get free college tuition: bullshit!

Bergeson said the Spanish-language web portal would allow Latino students in Washington to make stronger academic gains, using materials in their own language, while they continue toward fluency in English.
This is what really irks me. If we didnt have such an incompetant system this would never be needed.
it's an online service.. I agree with the fact they should learn English, but IT'S JUST AN ONLINE SERVICE so they won't go away.

Immigrants are the fuel of Modern economies... if you don't attract them you'd be dealing with a populational regression like Europe...
Sprafa said:
it's an online service.. I agree with the fact they should learn English, but IT'S JUST AN ONLINE SERVICE so they won't go away.

Immigrants are the fuel of Modern economies... if you don't attract them you'd be dealing with a populational regression like Europe...
I dont feel that sacrifices should be made to MY education for their sake. Just have them learn english before enrolling in school. Hell they should be required to learn the language before they even come here. This district is in the hole 33 million dollars, we cant afford to do stuff like this.
gh0st said:
I dont feel that sacrifices should be made to MY education for their sake. Just have them learn english before enrolling in school. Hell they should be required to learn the language before they even come here. This district is in the hole 33 million dollars, we cant afford to do stuff like this.

you're expendable, they're not. An average American counts a lot less to the Government than an average illegal immigrant, since the illegal immigrant not only fuels the economy but it has no political and social rights, therefore it is easily manipulable. They have every reason to keep them around.

And what separates you from them ? Because they're born in another country they're less human ? they deserve lesser education ? They should just bare with it?

That belief is no different from racism by assuming that people should be blamed for things they can't possibly have influence in.
Sprafa said:
And what separates you from them ? Because they're born in another country they're less human ? they deserve lesser education ? They should just bare with it?

That belief is no different from racism by assuming that people should be blamed for things they can't possibly have influence in.
Nothing seperates us. I feel like programs like these are wasteful when they could be better spent teaching immigrants english, which in turn permits them to be more integrated in school, and things trickle down from there.
Ghost has a point, you should at least have the decency to learn the language of the country you emigrated to, although this site may help students, by intergrating them better and slowly learning them english instead of the **** you attitude that would just alianate them.

Immigrants are the fuel of Modern economies... if you don't attract them you'd be dealing with a populational regression like Europe...
That argument is flawed, it does not solve the problem it just postpones it. What will happen when they get old and have less children, you will get the same problem but on a larger scale.
Grey Fox said:
Ghost has a point, you should at least have the decency to learn the language of the country you emigrated to, although this site may help students, by intergrating them better and slowly learning them english instead of the **** you attitude that would just alianate them.

Funny you should say that, because when people from English speaking countries go abroad, they expect the whole world to speak English to them. Which they sometimes get, but are frequently disappointed.
kirovman said:
Funny you should say that, because when people from English speaking countries go abroad, they expect the whole world to speak English to them. Which they sometimes get, but are frequently disappointed.

Ah yes, but the scientific terminology for those kind of people is "arsehole"- and they're not unique to English-speaking countries. I.e., America and Britain.

Take my dad, who recently emmigrated to Spain- he's not too good with the language, although his wife is fairly fluent. Admittedly he makes an effort to speak Spanish at all times but there are plenty of people like him who make no such attempt.

And there's a difference between holidaying in a place and being unfamiliar with the language and actually going to live there- most Brits with that attitude are at least likely to leave in a few weeks, much to the relief of the locals.

So yes, gh0st has raised a perfectly reasonable point. If I were to move to Spain to work (not that I ever would), I'd much rather be allocated time and effort to help me learn the language, rather than letting me ignore the culture around me by sticking stubbornly to English resources.
Edcrab said:
So yes, gh0st has raised a perfectly reasonable point. If I were to move to Spain to work (not that I ever would), I'd much rather be allocated time and effort to help me learn the language, rather than letting me ignore the culture around me by sticking stubbornly to English resources.
Summed up perfectly, thanks.
Why should they have to learn english. I belive america was one or 2 votes away from adopting german as your official language. Their are many spanish speaking people in America. They contribute to your econmy, more than you relise, many off them working illegally. They should howver be treated with respect and have a right to take part in democracy, they cannot do this if information is presented to them in a way they cannot understand.

And dont whine on about wasting money, thats one thing America does on a much lager scale than in the creation of just one website.
solaris152000 said:
Why should they have to learn english. I belive america was one or 2 votes away from adopting german as your official language. Their are many spanish speaking people in America. They contribute to your econmy, more than you relise, many off them working illegally. They should howver be treated with respect and have a right to take part in democracy, they cannot do this if information is presented to them in a way they cannot understand.

And dont whine on about wasting money, thats one thing America does on a much lager scale than in the creation of just one website.
you're missing the point. they should be EDUCATED in a culture before they try to integrate themselves into it. if they are here illegally they should be deported immediatly - THERES a waste of money. its all about them UNDERSTANDING what is being presented, such as ballots, etc.
I never disagreed with that, but what I pointed out IS THAT IT'S AN ONLINE SERVICE.

It's kind of a bridge for people who probably would love to learn English but can't. Do you think people run away for the US without proper knowledge of the English language for FUN ?
They're most likely in a desperate situation and if the US wouldn't accomodate for them it wouldn't be doing anything but their duty to basic Human Rights.
Sprafa said:
I never disagreed with that, but what I pointed out IS THAT IT'S AN ONLINE SERVICE.

It's kind of a bridge for people who probably would love to learn English but can't. Do you think people run away for the US without proper knowledge of the English language for FUN ?
They are learning english by going to this site? Why not save the money spent translating all of our schools academic resources into spanish, server upkeep, etc, into actually TEACHING them something that will be useful.
They're most likely in a desperate situation and if the US wouldn't accomodate for them it wouldn't be doing anything but their duty to basic Human Rights.
Yes the human rights abuses against the average Mexican are horrific.
gh0st said:
They are learning english by going to this site? Why not save the money spent translating all of our schools academic resources into spanish, server upkeep, etc, into actually TEACHING them something that will be useful.

That site probably will by integrating them in their language into YOUR culture and YOUR classes. There's a pretty sizable Hispanic minority that can't be overlooked anyway that might be more comfortable with Spanish, so it still makes perfect sense to me.

gh0st said:
Yes the human rights abuses against the average Mexican are horrific.

there are none right now and I praise your country for that.
gh0st said:
Dissolution of American culture

so what exactly is american culture?

*kough*a mix of s**t from diffrent geographical regions!?*kough*
Sprafa said:
That site probably will by integrating them in their language into YOUR culture and YOUR classes. There's a pretty sizable Hispanic minority that can't be overlooked anyway that might be more comfortable with Spanish, so it still makes perfect sense to me.
I dont mind the site in particular so much, but its the principle of America bending over backwards for immigrants that irks me a bit, especially when it involves taking money from a (very) poor seattle school district. Yakima has a HUGE spanish community so it makes sense that they should support it, but they are also a poor district.

jverne said:
so what exactly is american culture?
The same as canadian, english, chinese, german, or south african culture. Dont deny us our culture simply because we are receptive to immigrants.
I think the article you quoted explains why they're doing this. 12% is a high amount, it helps students to study in spanish, while they get to grips with English, meaning they can get better grades in school and get to college/university... getting better jobs and increasing the economy (paying higher taxes etc) back home and in the area. Making a poor region, a better off region.

I dont understand how that's disadvantaging you?
Surely to make an area better, you need to close the gap between the poor and the rich, so whatever someones race they have an equal chance to help out their area.
oldagerocker said:
I dont understand how that's disadvantaging you?
Surely to make an area better, you need to close the gap between the poor and the rich, so whatever someones race they have an equal chance to help out their area.
I dont know why you automatically assume they are poor; public education here is free so its irrelevant. My problem is this money can be better spent. Fortunatly gregiore isnt going to be governor for long.
I assumed they were poor because you said the school district was poor.

I dont think you can get a better investment of money, socially and economically, than health and education services for everyone. It benefits and enhances the society as a whole.
oldagerocker said:
I assumed they were poor because you said the school district was poor.
No, a huge amount of money goes from the state to our district (its the largest in the state), unfortunatly it is all spent on worthless programs.
I dont think you can get a better investment of money, socially and economically, than health and education services for everyone. It benefits and enhances the society as a whole.
my ideal replacement of this program is one which focuses them on learning english FIRST and preparing them better for learning, integrated, along with their fellow students.
Sure, a larger focus on English might help, but while they're learning English just to get by.. they're taken away from subjects they're good at and I think the education of foreign people could be stunted in that way. Which isn't good.

If you can incline some part of the education system to teaching subjects in Spanish aswell as English and strike some balance there; then you get a decent amount of education, aswell as integration.
I dont see a problem here:

"The curriculum, which will include basic literacy and high-school-level subject matter that can apply toward graduation, has been produced in Spanish by the government of Mexico"
CptStern said:
I dont see a problem here:

"The curriculum, which will include basic literacy and high-school-level subject matter that can apply toward graduation, has been produced in Spanish by the government of Mexico"
Thats the problem. They are learning reading - IN spanish, history - IN spanish, when they shouldbe learning reading and history in ENGLISH, because thats whats spoken here.
but it's their choice ..here we have french immersion schools ..everything is taught in french ...it's a choice, no one is forced into it ...people do have a right to learn about their culture
CptStern said:
but it's their choice ..here we have french immersion schools ..everything is taught in french ...it's a choice, no one is forced into it ...people do have a right to learn about their culture
Because a MASSIVE percent of canada speaks french. more than 11%

language does not translate in their culture. fromage/cheese. Did one feel more cultural to you? For example, in canada, in order to be a citizen, you have to speak either french or english? God damn it canada makes more sense than america does

While multiculturalism is official policy, to become a citizen one must be able to speak either English or French.
gh0st said:
Because a MASSIVE percent of canada speaks french. more than 11%

wha? no, only quebec and parts of new brunswick are officially french speaking ..but you'd be hard pressed to find a french speaking person outside of those provinces

gh0st said:
language does not translate in their culture. fromage/cheese. Did one feel more cultural to you?

culture is not based solely on language

gh0st said:
For example, in canada, in order to be a citizen, you have to speak either french or english? God damn it canada makes more sense than america does

well you should be able to swear in yes, but I dont think it's a pre-requisite
CptStern said:
wha? no, only quebec and parts of new brunswick are officially french speaking ..but you'd be hard pressed to find a french speaking person outside of those provinces
The United States does not have an official language at federal level; nevertheless, English is spoken by the vast majority of the population and serves as the de facto language: English is the language used for legislation, regulations, executive orders, treaties, federal court rulings, and all other official pronouncements. If you cant understand these, how the hell doy ou expect to produce to society?

98% of canada speaks one of two languages. thats perfectly proprotionate.
culture is not based solely on language
You're right - then there should be no problem with them learning english with the resources that were spent on this.
I'm of the belief that if someone is going to come live here in the US they should be educated in the ways of our government, history and language. I don't understand why this concept is so tough to grasp. I hear people bitch and moan, with just cause I may add, about how when some Americans travel abroad they expect everyone to speak English and so on. I would have to say those Americans are pretty ignorant if they expect every country and culture to bend over backwards and adapt to them. So why the double standard when an immigrant expects the US and its people to bend over backwards and cater to their language and culture? The majority of people in the United States speak English; all of our history was recorded in English. English is, for all intents and purposes, the official language of the United States (yes I know it isn't the official language of the government). So if someone wants to come and live here legally that's great, but they need to adapt to our way of life. They don't have to leave their culture behind, not at all. But they do need to have the tools to live in and contribute to an American society. While I’m completely in favor of giving everyone, legal immigrant or not, a proper education, why aren’t we adapting them to the American society and way of life by teaching them about the country they now live in and the language spoken here?
CptStern said:
but it's their choice ..here we have french immersion schools ..everything is taught in french ...it's a choice, no one is forced into it ...people do have a right to learn about their culture

Yeah but stern, french was allready spoken by a large part of the country, you can't use that as an excuse. Fact is these people are immigrant, you can't be arrogant when your an immigrant, I mean if you don't like the culture if you don't like the country, if you don't want to adapt, why should you be givin asylum. Why are you there then, go back to mexico.

And this is not to you, but in general. There is a big differance between immigrating and just vacationing in a place.
so then we should do away with hebrew schools cuz only a small minority of canadians kids are jewish? what about doing away with other foreign language courses all together?
What, we're comparing language to religion now? Wah?

I've got nothing against the idea of a Spanish resource website- no one is going to be able to learn the language instantly, after all- but I also understand why some think that more effort should be made to teach immigrants the "official" language of a country.

I honestly don't see the problem with that viewpoint.
gh0st said:
The United States does not have an official language at federal level; nevertheless, English is spoken by the vast majority of the population and serves as the de facto language: English is the language used for legislation, regulations, executive orders, treaties, federal court rulings, and all other official pronouncements. If you cant understand these, how the hell doy ou expect to produce to society?

I do understand that, but who's to say this is their only option? I seriously doubt all their education is solely based on the online curriculum ..I cant see how the state would recognise that the student has fulfilled the necessary requirements for graduation based solely on an online course ...dont know how it works in the US but students in canada must have a certain number of hours in required courses in order to receive a diploma

gh0st said:
98% of canada speaks one of two languages. thats perfectly proprotionate.

but only 11% speak french

gh0st said:
You're right - then there should be no problem with them learning english with the resources that were spent on this.

the mexican government is paying for it ..you have no say. And as I've stated above I seriously doubt this is their only form of education
Edcrab said:
What, we're comparing language to religion now? Wah?

I've got nothing against the idea of a Spanish resource website- no one is going to be able to learn the language instantly, after all- but I also understand why some think that more effort should be made to teach immigrants the "official" language of a country.

I honestly don't see the problem with that viewpoint.

being jewish is more than just a religion, it's a culture ...hebrew schools teach hebrew as well as english
CptStern said:
so then we should do away with hebrew schools cuz only a small minority of canadians kids are jewish? what about doing away with other foreign language courses all together?

only if they are goverment run.
government run? or government funded? there's a huge distinction. I dont think the canadian government is able to maintain a hebrew school
CptStern said:
government run? or government funded? there's a huge distinction. I dont think the canadian government is able to maintain a hebrew school

i meant funded, sorry. if the goverment is funding something not crucial and benefiting only a tiny portion of the population, it should do away with it.
well then there goes the catholic separate school board ...might as well get rid of hebrew schools and french immersion, adult education, ESL, community centre programs, handicapped programs, special needs programs etc. Only a small segment of the population uses these programs. Government is not about providing one type of education, it's about providing choice in how your children are educated
Can anyone show me the figures for spanish as a first language in the usa?
So far Ive only got the 1996 figs which show 22m people with spanish as a first language.

Interestingly though the global (`99) figures are very different:
#1-Mandarin chinese , 885,000,000
#2-Spanish , 332,000,000
#3-English , 322,000,000
#4-Bengali ,189,000,000
#5-Hindi , 182,000,000
#6-Portugese ,170,000,000

So, in theory it could be very beneficial to educate more americans in the second most widely used language in the world.
CptStern said:
well then there goes the catholic separate school board ...might as well get rid of hebrew schools and french immersion, adult education, ESL, community centre programs, handicapped programs, special needs programs etc. Only a small segment of the population uses these programs. Government is not about providing one type of education, it's about providing choice in how your children are educated


damnit. can't find counter-argument.
heheh I win!! ...jk ;)

education is a tricky subject because nothing stirs up passions as much as government intervention in the development of children