Watch it SHRED


Jun 12, 2004
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Watch it SHRED (videos of random stuff being shredded :D)

Basically that page has a bunch of videos of stuff being shredded in an industrial shredder. Its pretty cool. Some things that they shred include: Steel Drums, Couch, Diapers, Washing Machine, Boat, etc many things that should be video taped and put on the net, this is definitely one of em :E
was there still FOOD in that refrigerator? I thought i saw some....
If it can easily shred a block of cememt encased in a steel drum..then yeah, it probably could shred a human. By the way, it can easily shred a block of cememt encased in a steel drum!!
Ultimate PWNAGE!

Saw the boat getting shredded. I kept thinking that if it was me...
Shredder got stuck for a few seconds on the washing machine, they edited the video too. Lies!!!
I wonder how much it would hurt if you fell into that shredder...
I love that site, thanks for posting the link, I lost the url sometime ago :(
h00dlum said:
I wonder how much it would hurt if you fell into that shredder...

Well if it was turned off, you'd probably just get bruised...maybe a sprained ankle or something.