Watch out for these E-mails (especially if you're gullable)


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Dear Steam User,

In order to continue using Steam you must validate your account
by forwarding this message to [email protected]
You must include your account information in this format in the
Username: (your Steam username)
E-Mail: (the email you registered your account to.)
Password: (the password you used to log in to your Steam

Our database will be formatted soon, due to some damage caused by
some users. We will need to record our active users and add them
to our database once again.

You must validate your account within 30 days or eles your
account will get closed. Thank you for your co-operation.

Someone on a local forum I visit just recieved it, pretty funny :)

Note the grammatical errors, IE: Else is spelling wrong, Some being used twice in ONE small sentence, etc.

Also the e-mail is laughable.
That's funny. I'll be sure to validate my account as soon as possible.
Wow, yep. Dont mind me, i'm off to go shoot myself now.
I even ran it through a spellchecker.

lol, who would forward their account details to an email address that doesn't even include "valve" anywhere in the address? I've seen some convincing fraudulent emails before, but this certainly isn't one of them.

It will probably catch a few 12 year olds out though.