Watch this video...

DiSTuRbEd said:
Newbies to BF2, if you see this, kill everyone involved in this.

I can't believe someone recorded it. :rolleyes:
My clan scrimmaged that clan last night, first round they beat us by like 50 tickets even though we out killed them, and the second round they beat us by 13 tickets, we did come back from like 40-80 to tie it for a while though.
The guy they were killing wasn't on of them. They just trapped him in that cycle.
Why didn't the guy in the jeep help. If that was me I woulda crushed all of them.
outpost said:
The guy they were killing wasn't on of them. They just trapped him in that cycle.

I know, its really messed up, poor guy. :(
outpost said:
He should of just left though, or suicided.
Yeah..if I was ever part of that, a quick change server would be in order...I'm sure after a while..they would stop if EVERYONE would join in the not letting them cycle you.
it wasn't like he had a lot of time. I would have left the server.
Hmm, I've checked another forum and they had the same video. The person who is constantly getting knifed seems to be a cheater with hacks or he pissed them off somehow. I'm not sure if I should cheer or pity him.
if it was unranked, awesome. if it was ranked.... :/

the way I see it is, if you aren't smart enough to change teams/change servers... then you kinda deserve it :P
sorry to change subject guys, but how did the dream girl go Red? Havent heard much from you in a while.
Kamikazie said:
sorry to change subject guys, but how did the dream girl go Red? Havent heard much from you in a while.

Yeah, I was about to post a topic starting off:

The new free munro.



Anyway, I feel really sorry for the guy trapped in the cycle. But yeah, that's pretty stupid that he didn't leave and just supplemented their acts.

I started to feel a little pissed when I heard the guy go "He's not even trying anymore, hahaha".
Kamikazie said:
sorry to change subject guys, but how did the dream girl go Red? Havent heard much from you in a while.

babies, everywhere!

things are fantastic thank you for asking :)
I will try to be around more, but things have been hectic (albeit awesome) as of late.

sinkoman said:
Yeah, I was about to post a topic starting off:

The new free munro.


LOL, much love Sinko :)

I might be able to squeaze in a couple games "in the coming weeks" (lol Valve style!)... however as my 9800 pro is blown right now (and currently being RMA'd to ATI) I don't have the option regardless.

:) :cheers:
I saw this in action so i killed em all with a tank, but got banned for tking =(
outpost said:
No, but right as the medic revived him he could.
When you get revived the screen goes away so you have to bring it up again, IIRC.