water arghhhhhhh


Nov 25, 2004
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im making a cs:s map that has a big river in it. and i have a skybox and a light_enviroment and a brush with no draw texture on it accept on the top side where there is a water texture and i have a lod water control thing and a cube map. i have dont build cubemaps in the console. but it only looks like water from beneath the water from above it it just looks like theres nothing there acept if you shoot it it makes a splash. does anyone know what do do? also im compiling the map with vvis and everything ;)
It could be possible that your map isnt sealed. If your map has leaks then water doesnt compile right. Try to surround your map with a box with the sky_box texture on it to seal it, then see what happens.
just look through the compile window and check for ***leaked***
your water is "invisible" because you have displacement maps somewhere in your water brush. destroy them and make a separate brush that has displacement maps on it. that will fix your problem.

i had the same exact problem and thats how i fixed it.
hmm well thanks for the feedback. my map is sealed and doesnt have to many portals but the water bursh does overlap a displacement brush is this why? the thing is i cant delete it because the displacement brush is the river bed so i duno what to do
its not because of the displacement brush, i've made plenty of rivers this way, so don't bother doing that.
what is it because then? ive practicaly finished my map now but the river is the main element to it and i need it sorted i have tried using different water textures i have the cube map linked to the face with water and i have done buildcubemaps each time i run the map. also when i go under water its normal its just from outside the water is invisible. i remember i had this problem ages ago and i just made the brush a func_Water even tho everyone told me not to and it worked i have tried this and it doesnt work either .
try going to the properties in the cubemap and under brushfaces put 241, hope this helps
why 241? i have dont that but instead i used the dropper tool to select the brush face that it corrosponds to and it puts a number in dont think its 241 tho
Are you saying that when out of the water, you can see the bottom of the river, but when in it, you can't? Cause in that case, I have the same 'problem' and i'm not sure its actually wrong.
yeh thats exactly it. lol i dont see what u meen ur not sure its actualy wrong. if i left it like that ppl would run over to it n then suddenly b underwater an b like wtf lol its a river so u need to see the water from the outside.
No, I can see the top of the river, its just transparent. I think we are talking about seperate things.
Make sure that you don't have any brushes that enter or pass through the brushes that make up your skybox. If you do, the engine will not be able to properly display your water from the top. I had this problem a while ago and the easiest solution is to delete your skybox and create a new one, making sure that it does not enter any brushes. It is not a problem if another brush touches the edges of your skybox, but if they enter it your water will not render properly.

Good luck.
ahhh thanks mate thats definatly it because i have like clif type rocks all around the sides of the map to closer it off and then a skybox above that and its intersecting with it. thanks alot i never would hav thought of that.
the only thing is will it stil render the water if theres a gap between the rocks and the skybox?
all i have for a skybox is brushes closing the level off with the texture tools/skybox on them is this right or do i need to create an actualy skybox aswell
Make invisible walls(brushes with no_draw textures) around your river bed from the bottom and it should help.
Like this:
i have tryed all of this and it still doesnt work there are a few nodraw textures but im just using the first one that comes up wen i type no draw in. couldit b that im not using the light enviroment properly? because when i change the roof of the map to a texture it is practicly pitch black but when i change it to the tools skybox texture it has light. i also have just lights in the map.
I'm having the same problem all of the suddden and I never had it before.
I'd give anything to get this working. I'm going nuts. I've built cubemaps. I've made the brush to specifications. My map has no leaks. There aren't any odd displacement surfs. The map is lighting. I have no idea.
I'd suggest you copy and paste the water and a tiny bit of surrounding area into a blank map, or jsut create a simple pool with th settings and textures you ar trying to use. Water in HL1 was a weird thing cause func_water had all these bad things about it, so people just put water on a regular brush and used that.

Try it... it still works, and so far works better than func_water for me. Build a simple box to test in. I used an ordinary brush with NODRAW (which, BTW, there is only one "NODRAW" unless you are loading materials from some other source) on the entire bursh. The brush MUST touch another textured brush on the bottom(and problably all sides. This is what is used to draw the bottom of the pool on the water's face. Apply a water texture only to the top face. I used nature/water_canals_water2. I setup an ENV_Cubemap just above it, (no closer than 16 units!). In the cubemap I grabbed the picker from face and click on the water face. INfo_player start. FULL (default) compile. In HL2, load map bring up console, "buildcubemaps", then "reload" to see the results of the cubemap. The surface ripples, but I don't see reflection (I have a DX8 card so I'm unsure if I would get reflections properly).

I then converted the brush to func_water, named the water brush. Added an water_lod_control and pointed it to the water brush (use picker or reference the func_water's name). Run, buildcubemaps, reload. Now I have a murky brown water surface. The reflection is there but it doesn't seems off. Actually I just realized I have a skybox top and no lights defined, so maybe it is reflecting nothing due to the lack of light_environment entity.
whats the name of the specific water material you are using?
Posey, if that was for me I used "I used nature/water_canals_water2" but I was wondering with names like water_bottom/unnderneath if he was using a texture for some special case....

Just did a little test since my pool has screwed up reflections. Haven't solved my issue but understadning it maybe better.

A brush with water texture, will be transparent with ripple, splash and work fine even underneath as I described. I added a second pool, more complex, octagon shaped, bordered by func_details, and models in it and next to it. It is also a world brush with it's own env_cubemap. Lit the map, both pools work great .

I turned the simple square pool to func_water. Water is murky but reflecting. bad reflections in my opinion, but again, my card doesn't support DX9 and I did monkey with some patch to half ass enable reflections and shaders.

So I turn the second complex pool into a func_water and the env_cubes go nuts, first they both display the env of the second pool(second row of pics). This is despite each being assigned properly. When I do a buildcubemap I get a garbage filled cubemap on both pools (last row of pics). I tried separating them with wroldd brushes (remembering the old line of sight limitations with light_environments). Nothing fixed it.

If I changed either on back to a bursh (only one FUNC_WATER) the cube maps worked right. There is probably something there--maybe a limit of only one reflective (expensive) water entity in a map or some such thing. I don't know why mine turns murky shit brown and reflective but the plain old world brush water suits me.