Water Found On Mars [EXCLUSIVE]

Oh sweet mother of Jesus!
It's a miracle! A miracle I say!

I bet Jesus.. or Duffman.. decided to take a leak there or something.
oh, my bad, i did that.. i didn't know anyone was looking for water on mars(es). maybe i should call up nasa and tell them that i did it. i hope i don't get in trouble :/
To paraphrase Eddie Izzard:
"Recently scientists found ice on Mars! ...So what? You've been into space and you've found rock. And ice. We've got that. There's no countries going: 'We're right out of rock. We live in a sponge cake.' Rock and ice do not a good party make."
Water's not much different really. Yes it's important to life... But still. where there's ice there's water so...
I wonder if there's people going to post here who won't click the link...

Soon we'll all be living on mars(`s).
As long as nobody does a 'Intelligent Life Found on UrAnus' picture, we should be ok.
Pobz said:
As long as nobody does a 'Intelligent Life Found on UrAnus' picture, we should be ok.

A.k.a Goatse but with a worm added :|
mortiz said:
Soon we'll all be living on mars(`s).
Doesn't that madcap zany Mr. President fella wanna establish a base of Mars? Even if he gets a second term that couldn't happen! He so kerayzeee!