Water Hazard Glitch



Hey Guys,

I'm afraid theres something wrong with my version. In the section "Water Hazard" there are two visible glitches and the second one I can not go any further. I am stuck at this point and its not makin me happy. Here is a screen of where I am.

As for progress, I just opened the second giant gate and passed some boats, then cruised through some semi-circles and into a tunnel. It's like an invisible barrier. Thanks
What are your system specs?
Where did you purchase your copy of Half-Life 2?
Have you tried updating all of your drivers?
Bought the game two days ago. I can easily run the game with my specs I dont think thats the issue. I have an updated driver.
You don't recognise that? That's what the void looks like. As in, no skybox brush or anything. You must have done something wrong and it didn't load or something. Go to your last save or restart the chapter.