water hazard problem


Apr 9, 2007
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ya'know when you find a rebel station while on the airboat? the guy takes you inside and shows you a pictur of his family or somthing (i was more interested in throwing a box at the girl)

then a vortigaunt is supposed to put a gun on the airboat.

problem is, he doesnt. he zaps a certain peice of air,hoping that you parked there. and even when i do, i still dont get my airboat gun! i need help! i wanna get revenge on those annoying choppers! and a refund on all vortigaunt car servises.
He shows you a map, not his family.
Did you BUY Half Life 2?
i do have the privalage of owning half life 2. this has aided me in the area of finding the problem in the first place.
also, i know it wernt his family. i wuz takin the piss.

now answer the question: why didnt the vortigaunt give me an airboat gun?
Did you park the mudskipper nearby or did you bail and go by foot by any chance? I can't think of a reasonable explanation why it would go funny otherwise. Have you validated your Half-life 2 files through Steam yet?

*Moved to help section.
iv validatded the game via steam, and parked the mudskipper right next to the place where you get off and where the vortigaunt assumes you will park.
Seems that we are getting a lot of screwed AI probs recently...

You can always restart the level. That fixes up a lot of these AI issues.
Buy a new copy of the game - that's what money's for,right? Or would you rather not have the airboat gun?

lol just look at some client console commands and create an airboat with a gun via the console window.
Yea. Its something like ch_createjeep.
I cannot remember.

Does that come with the gun? cant remember...

Or you can skip one part ahead. Open up the console, see the map name (coast_01 or whatever... cant remember it exactly) and just type in the name of the next map. In my example it would be,

map coast_02 (replace the map name with the real one)

You'll jump ahead to the next load point. With the airboat and the gun.
Buy a new copy of the game - that's what money's for,right? Or would you rather not have the airboat gun?

lol just look at some client console commands and create an airboat with a gun via the console window.

Buy a new copy? What the hell would someone who has already paid for a Steam game do that for? Even if his CD's burned in the fires of hell, he could still download the entire game for free from Steam, as long as he has his account. Also, Steam will verify and fix any broken game files, even now for him. So why spend money just to end up with the EXACT same game files? It could be fixed by verifying (if he hasn't already), or it could be a pirated copy - as they are PLAGUED with AI problems, usually affecting game triggers just like this one.

As much as Steam can be a pain, the way they force updates on you, and have the option of checking every, single, game file for you, makes problems like this impossible to keep happening just to one person, as almost EVERYONE has the exact same version of the game. You just CAN'T get a "file error" that Steam won't fix or see with a quick verify. You CAN'T.

So he either:

has not allowed the game to update (very unlikely, and still wouldn't cause this - even if it did, he could then solve it by updating), or-

he has a corrupt save - in which case he could use the chapter selection menu to re-start the chapter, or-

he has an illegal, pirated copy.
Here we go again...

Flame Wars Episode 1: The Shasta Menace

He did say that he validated the files. He didn't go "what is steam?" or anything like that so there is no need to bring up a pirate issue again. It must be a corrupt save.

Man, you seem to have a personal vendetta against pirates.
Highly Hostile, but you can't get rid of him. And he's generally right, anyway.
Here we go again...

Flame Wars Episode 1: The Shasta Menace

He did say that he validated the files. He didn't go "what is steam?" or anything like that so there is no need to bring up a pirate issue again. It must be a corrupt save.

Man, you seem to have a personal vendetta against pirates.
Yep, I don't like pirates. Or stupid people. I REALLY hate stupid pirates.

Just because he said he validated, doesn't mean he did. You should have learned by now that lying on the internet is easy. If he was a pirate, he would say that, as he is looking for OTHER solutions, because he wouldn't be able to use Steam to verify. The quickest way to shut people up is to say you've already tried it, and get them to offer another solution. They don't ask many questions that way either.

However, I haven't said he's a pirate JUST yet - he could have a corrupt save.
You're not really considering that possibility, are you?
Yep, I don't like pirates. Or stupid people. I REALLY hate stupid pirates

You would make an awesome case study for a psychiatrist.... Thats all I can say.

However, I haven't said he's a pirate JUST yet
But you obviously implied that he may be a pirate... you cannot deny that. And implication is just as important as something which is explicitly said.

Just because he said he validated, doesn't mean he did. You should have learned by now that lying on the internet is easy. If he was a pirate, he would say that, as he is looking for OTHER solutions, because he wouldn't be able to use Steam to verify. The quickest way to shut people up is to say you've already tried it, and get them to offer another solution. They don't ask many questions that way either.

Fair enough,but all I can say is don't hang the man until he is proven guilty. This thread is named the "help and support" thread. It wont be a much of a help or support if we blast nearly everyone with a problem of having a pirated copy.
Does that come with the gun? cant remember...

Or you can skip one part ahead. Open up the console, see the map name (coast_01 or whatever... cant remember it exactly) and just type in the name of the next map. In my example it would be,

map coast_02 (replace the map name with the real one)

You'll jump ahead to the next load point. With the airboat and the gun.

Actually that creates a jeep. I accidently put that there.
You're not really considering that possibility, are you?
That it's just a corrupt save? No, but it's like trying to score a couple of hot chicks after the bars have closed and you're hammered - it's not likely at all, but there IS a one-in-a-million chance...
Double post? Why not.
You would make an awesome case study for a psychiatrist.... Thats all I can say.
Well I AM an interesting person...

But you obviously implied that he may be a pirate... you cannot deny that. And implication is just as important as something which is explicitly said.
Yes I did imply that. It's like saying "I think you did it, but we'll wait and see what the courts decide..."

Fair enough,but all I can say is don't hang the man until he is proven guilty.
I haven't.
Well I AM an interesting person.

That is the understatement of the....lets say day, mate. First person I have ever come across who has openly said that "I dont like stupid people".

Help and Support people, Help and Support. Not flame and Blast....
That is the understatement of the....lets say day, mate. First person I have ever come across who has openly said that "I dont like stupid people".
Yeah, I'm breaking new ground for mankind.

Also, I'm clearly a poet.
sorry to interrupt, but i just gave up, took the airbote (-the gun) and ran
cheers anyways
Wait a minute.. so even when the gun was not installed the rest of that scripted sequence played out correctly( I mean the guys opened the front gate that leads out of the station). hmmm...weird.

And Dum you cant finish the level without the gun (Without cheating that is). Take my word on that.