water issues


Apr 19, 2004
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I get about 40-70 FPS practically everywhere but except in watery areas, like for example, in piransi i get about 10-15 just by looking at the water. is there some command to disable the water refections?

edit: I have the 4.12 beta drivers and I get about 28 in the stress test, I know I would get higher but the water is whats holding me down.
turning what down? water reflections? texture detail? if so, yes I tried water its at simple reflections and textures are at medium. but still didnt solve the problem.
Try setting:

r_waterdrawreflection "0"

in your console. it turns reflection off completely. Water looks kind of screwed up when you do that but you dont lose as much fps
Your system should be able to do much better than that! My xp3000/9700/1gig system scores in the 80fps range @1024x768 2xAA 6xAF all on high including reflections. What settings are you trying to run?

BTW the water does slow my fps down quite a bit in-game, but reflection settings don't seem to help much.
I run this game at 1280 by 1024, this is the only resolution I could run at because I have a flat panel. I also have textures on high with 2 AA and 2AF and get around 30 to 70 everywhere. r_waterreflections 0 and r_waterrefraction 0
this really helps by alot, I went from 28 FPS in the stress test to 50 with the settings above. but the water really looks crappy.