Water problems... easy question probably



So, I made water. Awsome. When your in the water, it appears fine, but the surface of the water appears white? I don't understand what I've done wrong with my water texture. Some help please?
Let me re word b/c no replies.. Standing on dry land, the surface of water is WHITE... like nothing is there,,, jump in, and all is fine.. anyone know what i did wrong,, or a link to a tutorial on water?
Well I don't know what you did wrong, but just make sure you did all this:

-Only one face of the brush should have the water texture, the rest should all be textured with nodraw
-Do not tie the brush to an entity, like func_water, it doesn't work
-Make sure you compile with vis and rad

Also, you could make a test map, which is a box with some water. If that doesn't work, then I don't know what will.
If all else fails copy and paste the water and entities from the sdk_water example map.
tuemmykids said:
Well I don't know what you did wrong, but just make sure you did all this:

-Only one face of the brush should have the water texture, the rest should all be textured with nodraw
-Do not tie the brush to an entity, like func_water, it doesn't work
-Make sure you compile with vis and rad

Also, you could make a test map, which is a box with some water. If that doesn't work, then I don't know what will.

make sure you compile with everything on normal (vis especially) and dont forget your cubemap...

Another thing to check is the point file. Compile your map and go Map>Load point file. And fix all leaks until it asks you what pointfile you want to load. Any leak in the map will mess up the water.