Waterfall Joint Effort


Jan 5, 2005
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Seeing as making a waterfall has so far proved quite difficult, and either no one has made one or is keeping it secret, we ought to work together to make one, no? I'll start by posting my raw waterfall that looks ok, ableit slightly cheap. So, here's to a community effort (I hope) :)

edit: oh and by the way, i am not currently making a map with this, its just to accomplish the impossible. :thumbs:
Ill try too, had some ideas I wanted to test out anyway.
I remember seeing a tutorial on how to do it at Interlopers I think...
Ennui said:
I remember seeing a tutorial on how to do it at Interlopers I think...

Yea Interlopers is down at the moment right? I recall there was one though, didnt try it myself. What would really impress me would be a BIG waterfall, with all the spray and everything, but I doubt computers are up to creating that yet hehe.
Yeah, it's been down for several days and I'm worried, it was the best tutorial site online...
Read the thread on it :)

Blink's credit card expired and they forgot to send him a new one.
Did anyone actually follow that one on waterfalls? Or are we just left on our own to do it.
Interloper's waterfall mainly focuses on the push of the fall. all he did was adding a moving texture.
so, is his or mine better :naughty: , and, should we continue making this *points at own waterfall*? BTW have you made any progress with mine?
hl2w0rld already has a project going like this

i think mfg used smoke particle effects and it looked okay... one thing they were toying with was making a camera the size of the waterfall and just point at some water ... might look cheesy though unless you can make set the camera up on a track to go forward (teleport back) and forward again to give the simulation of water flowing... maybe use this method and the smoke in addition it might look oky