way to good to pass up.

I have to wait an hour to download it! Wow, I'm gonna be up... early...
Oooooh, this is fun!

At first I kept falling... but then I got into some killin' and all was good. :)

Not having a crosshair is a nice little realism touch.
God, I'd love to play thsi game. Hey, I might if I ever get broadband and UT2k4...
Installing, installing.. hurry up you piece of crap!
I finished, and I installed. It took me a while to get the game going, since this was the first time I have ever played. This is a really good mod. I love how the RO team used the Unreal Engine's graphic capabilites to their adavantage. It makes it look very realistic. Also, the models and animations are superb. They look professional. The gameplay is great. You have your basic HUD. It tells you everthing except for how much ammo is in your clip, your exact health, and where you are going (no compass). There is also no tageting reticule. But, that's what iron-sights are for. The iron-sights are one of the most impressive I have seen in a game. The detail worked into the iron-sights yields are very good, realistic experience. I congratulate the RO team in making this mod one of the best, most realistic WWII experiences in a game and a MOD. Go out and get this mod. I hope to see you on the battlefield. My nickname is "GordieFreeman".

EDIT: I posted this in the 'Trailer' thread as well. Please delete that one. :)
torso boy said:
is it worth getting UT2K4 for?

I was wondering the same thing. I've heard plenty of good things about UT2K4, although I wasn't a huge fan of the MP demo... I wonder if it's good enough to pick up for the mods.
My friend has been talking about this game for 3 months telling me to buy UT2k4....it better not suck.
hmmm.... how the hell does that worK? seriosly? DM style bunnyhipping eneergy depleting fragfest turned into precise, sleek, realistic COD- like game??
COD-like? It is way more realistic then cod, atleast it is suppose to be. COD is a bunnyhopping, fragfest.
You actually have to stop, put the gun to your face and aim properly to get anywhere in this. That's how realistic we're talking here.
I've got to say I wasn't too impressed with this mod. I couldn't get some of the guns to fire first of all. Is that what Abom was talking about? And the character animations suck. There were guys kneeling and floating all around. That can't be right. And the AI wasn't that impressive either. Whatever. I just like to bitch. The loading screens were topnotch though.
I played the 1st release when it was out on UT2k3 and kept playing the future versions also, it 0wned...and since I dont have 2k4...well...DAMN! ;(
do ut2k3 and 2k4 run on the same engine? I have 2k4, and i'm going to download this when i get home (I'm at work atm)
Abom said:
You actually have to stop, put the gun to your face and aim properly to get anywhere in this. That's how realistic we're talking here.

Oh come on its not THAT realistic. Im still waiting for a game thats so realistic it uninstalls itself after you die ;). I guess its worth buying ut2k4 for if you like ultra realistic ww2 shooters, although the learning curve can be kinda steep.
mchammer75040 said:
Oh come on its not THAT realistic. Im still waiting for a game thats so realistic it uninstalls itself after you die ;). I guess its worth buying ut2k4 for if you like ultra realistic ww2 shooters, although the learning curve can be kinda steep.

no a game that actually kills you when you die!
wait there already is one of those, its called enlisting :eek: