Ways to make the world a better place.


Sep 1, 2003
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Pseudo-inspired by the 'what makes you happy?' thread.

How would you go about making the world a better place?


-Destroy America
-Free yogurt for everyone
-Unite all the peoples of the world under one democratic flag
-Destroy every other country except for America
-Resort to communism
-Kill everyone except for you

Disclaimer: I do not necessarily agree with some or all of the examples.
-Introduce the sig limiter plugin to Halflife2.net
-Eliminate all computer problems (they simply won't go wrong)
I'm tempted to be silly and ruin this thread but i wont.

Cures for the biggest diseases across the world e.g. cancer, heart/lung disease, aids etc
Using less polluting techniques of energy consumption
Focusing on conservation
Less war and fear/ terrorism...cmon lets just talk this over a cup of coffee huh?
Opportunities for all whatever it is.
No racism!
And lastly government leaders taking note of all things in this thread and doing something about them...but hey not gonna happen :(
- Give everyone a decent education.
- Force everyone to solve feuds with rock paper scissors. :p
- Endless supplies of Nutrigrain Bars for everyone in the World.
Pressure said:
- Endless supplies of Nutrigrain Bars for everyone in the World.

I.............LOVE..............YOU....i mean...i love nutrigrain bars....yes thatll do nicley *glares*

no really i LOVE nutrigrain bars....almost like a fetish of sorts :|
Replace America with a giant tennis court. We can have a tennis tournament between Titans and it will be entertaining... for the Europeans and Asians and Africans.. and Auzzies. We will call it the American open in memory of the destroyed continent.
-Halt global warming
-Accelerate global warming

Both results will achieve satisfactory conclusions.
- Get people to stop following mass stereotypes and saying things like "Destroy America."
SpuD said:
- Get people to stop following mass stereotypes and saying things like "Destroy America."

My disclaimer is there for a reason!
K e r b e r o s said:
Remove Nationalism and unite under Globalism. :D

Damn those Martians. Don't even get me started on Mercurians...Think they're so hot with all that.
Pressure said:
- Endless supplies of Nutrigrain Bars for everyone in the World.

yeah I feel great, (well your avatar tells the story) ;)

-I want to make the world happy by inventing usefull tools that the world can benefit from.