Ways to mess with a Steam Account Hijacker


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
I need ways to mess with this guy. He sent an e-mail to me asking for the typical. Anyway, I just want to do it the funniest way possible. Come on!
do what that one guy did with the reverse psychology.
Reverse psychology ftw!


Emailed. Now, we play the waiting game.
go to his and kill him whit a crowbar
I would do what I did to the people who would try to scam 50k out of me to help a church, so I could get 100k back..or some shit.

"Are you sure, I want you to hold up a sign, and a fish outside your house, and on the sign, say, "VALVE!" so I know you're not some computer bot"
Don't bother. This stuff has been done to death and it's only funny now if someone's life gets ruined as a result of Internet scams gone awry.
that's pretty funny and I hope it's real

which I doubt
someone tried scamming me, telling me pay for him to put a game on my account

So i convinced him i was working for Valve, i photoshopped a fake badge with the email address i was using on it and "Valve" at the top.

I managed to get a 1.6 / cz account off him. GG
Double yes. He got pwnt by his own scam.
Triple yes. If you could give him aids over the internet, I would.

I ****ing HATE thieves