WCC in WoW

HA I knew they had to run out of their own idea's sooner or later..
Half of WoW doodads and characters are pop-culture references.
lol at people who just assume it ripped off the companion cube.
Oh wow! People at Blizzard may have liked Portal, and by extension the Weighted Companion Cube?

Man, fuck them. How dare they pull shit like this. Go die, assholes.
Oh wow! People at Blizzard may have liked Portal, and by extension the Weighted Companion Cube?

Man, fuck them. How dare they pull shit like this. Go die, assholes.

The BASTARDS! How dare they make a cute little cameo of one of the most popular games last year? Curse them! CURSE THEM!
Half of WoW doodads and characters are pop-culture references.

It's funny, Terms and Agreements clearly state that any pop-culture references in names are prohibited...

I don't like to point fingers, but I think blizzard are either hypocrites or way over their heads.
How so?

It's a little joke. A teeny, tiny, minor joke. But since WoW is the evil, monolithic, and widely successful cashcow, I guess people need to get indignant about this. Clearly they have some unscrupulous ulterior motives at work here, like suckering in poor, naive Portal fans. I predict the current player base will triple once word gets out that the WCC makes a wood box cameo one day a year in Azeroth.
Blizzard's allowed to make pop-culture references all they want. Nothing stopping 'em. I don't see why ye all need to get pissed about it, either.