I've restarted this level a number of times after becoming fed up with it, found the shotgun and have made my way to the elevator and am basically blasting all manner of zombies and head crabs.
What I'm wondering is, does there exist a point at which I should quit shooting monsters (I'm always running out of ammo, anyway) and make a run for it to a particular spot?
There just seems to be no end to these things. Even when I think Im in the clear, I turn a corner and run into a big assorted crowd of headcrabs and zombies which my crowbar and ammo can't deal with.
I'm just sick of running around the same old streets etc. waiting to die.
What I'm wondering is, does there exist a point at which I should quit shooting monsters (I'm always running out of ammo, anyway) and make a run for it to a particular spot?
There just seems to be no end to these things. Even when I think Im in the clear, I turn a corner and run into a big assorted crowd of headcrabs and zombies which my crowbar and ammo can't deal with.
I'm just sick of running around the same old streets etc. waiting to die.