We lose the first round, but the show's not over yet...

Haha moronic console fanboys. They REALLY need to learn what superior gaming is all about. Rather GTA:SA get it than Halo 2 though.
Zeus said:
Rather GTA:SA get it than Halo 2 though.

Definitely!!! I don't care if Halo 2 for PC is delayed (or never happens at all), but I would very much like to see GTA:SA for PC soon. Plus, Rockstar seems to at least do some optimizations for PC when porting thier games over.
They hand out gay awards eh? Then I fully agree with the GOTY award for GTA ((Gay of the year))
HollowTipz said:
sigh the only big inprovments i saw in san andreas is the size of the complete map in total and the new features ex. customizing your car, hair, gym blah blah blah...All these things arn't "ground breaking features" but it does give it a slight edge from its predecessor. Other than that it's cut and dry the same game as Vice City with a different story.

I love shutting people up in the gamespot thread. Riddick vs Hl2 = no comparison.


negron at hl2fallout thinks hl2's rating at gamespot is a suitable rating and so is Riddicks? I say Gamespot is bs and there whole rating system is lame and unprofessional.

www.gamerankings.com for the true rating.

link at hl2fallout http://www.hlfallout.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25186&st=120&#entry433390

And i say most reviews on HL2 are bullshit because HL2 isn't even that good. Its good, but its nothing to what HL1 was.

Anyway...GTA:SA deserves game of the year.. HL2 does'nt deserve best PC game award. WoW should have won that. Its lightyears infront in terms of gameplay...i mean, did HL2 even have one level where you could choose a different path to take? ...Didn't think so.
Alig said:
And i say most reviews on HL2 are bullshit because HL2 isn't even that good. Its good, but its nothing to what HL1 was.

Anyway...GTA:SA deserves game of the year.. HL2 does'nt deserve best PC game award. WoW should have won that. Its lightyears infront in terms of gameplay...i mean, did HL2 even have one level where you could choose a different path to take? ...Didn't think so.
Yes, there are a few parts where you have that choice. But most people only see the most visible choice but if you pay attention you can also solve some problems in another way, you should watch the speedrun vids if you want to know those.

I'm happy HL2 got away with 2 awards instead of Doom 3 getting them. And about the GOTY award. Since GTA SA isn't on pc yet I can't say if it is well deserved or not. But I'm really looking forward to it.
Alig said:
did HL2 even have one level where you could choose a different path to take? ...Didn't think so.

On the coast, you can play through with the Buggy, or on foot. Several people have done it on foot, and it DOES lead to some very different adventures. Also, for nearly EVERY single puzzle in Half Life 2, there are multiple solutions thanks to physics implementations.

Alig said:
And i say most reviews on HL2 are bullshit because HL2 isn't even that good. Its good, but its nothing to what HL1 was.

You are entitled to your opinion, and yes, Half Life 1 was a great game, but for me, Half Life 2 was better.

Alig said:
HL2 does'nt deserve best PC game award. WoW should have won that. Its lightyears infront in terms of gameplay.
I am sorry, but WOW is a completely different Genre of game (as different as Console to PC), and (imo) should NOT ever be considered in the same category as Half Life 2. Also, while WOW did MMO things well, it did not revolutionize gameplay as the physics and character interaction of Half Life 2 will.

I am sorry your Half Life 2 experience did not seem to live up to your expectations, but in my opinion, Half Life 2 is every bit as revolutionary as Half Life 1 was when it came out. The difference is that Half Life 2 pushes different areas of gameplay forward. I think with the Mod capabilities of Half Life 2, and the modular aspects of Source, the world will be playing Half Life 2 longer than GTA:SA (once it gets to PC), and longer than WOW.
Mountain Man said:
"Best Graphics" and "Best PC Game" are nothing to sneeze at. I never expected Half-Life 2 or any PC game for that matter to come out on top in a popularity contest when going head to head with the console market, so I'm not that disappointed that it didn't take the overall award.
my thoughts exactly
I played GTA: SA... It had absoulutely nothing revolutionary, original, or exciting. IMO, just another GTA game. Spike TV can kiss my ass. And yes, they are all biased towards consoles. Consoles are mainstream.
hl2 won best graphics, not graphics engine, or it woulda been smoked.
them photoskins do look REALLY nice , and are pretty damn high res.
I know comming in here i would see extreme bitterness about not getting game of the year, but the gta series is awseom, hl 1 and hl2 are just shooters, hl2 is hl1 with higher resolutions and phisics. GTA pretty much invented the coolest gameplay ever, and while i won't play gta sa, due to my addiction to gta 3, i garuntee its awsome, and i garuntee that after 2 months a huge amount of people are still playing that game.
can't really count css as part of hl2, its a ported mod, i mean common.
and deathmatch out of the box sucked ass, its only fun on some of the custom maps.
last year hl2 woulda smoked everyone, but this year theres a shitloadof competition, and i think the die hard hl2 fold are jsut gonna end up being bitter and saying everyone else is stupid
I disagree GTA:SA was more of the same, even the same bugs. Nothing pissed me off more then hitting a light post I couldn't see till after I hit it and the car was in flames.

The problem I have with the Spike TV game awards are not the winners but the voteing system, anytime you ask the public to pick their favorite game you are doom to have bias for the the cheaper console games. The general public is not well infomerd, it like ask if you like Coke or 7up without ever tasting 7up. The pubic will always vote for a console game over PC games as console are cheaper and you don't worry about system requirements.

The Spike TV game awards was a popularity contest, I'll wait for the better informed game reviews mags to make their picks.
the fanbois really are so funny for hl2, its gonna be great, hl2 will win 55 goty competitions, and they'll be like WOOT SEE ITS AMAZING even though theres prolly 4 times the amount of gaming sites and mags as opposed to 98.
the hl2 fanbois are really starting to disturb me, and make me want to completly turn away from the community, they trash EVERYTHING that isn't valve, and this site in paticular is the worst. about 1/6 posts seems to be from a reasonable logical person, but the rest seem like those star wars geeks that never shut up about it and think its a better story then the bible. GET REAL. theres a shitton of funner games then hl2, hell fps's aren't even the funnest games there is. in all honestly, valve did NOTHING revolutionary, they did their stuff really well though, but they don't do anything that hasn't been done before, and they don't do everything better, but they put together a pretty good project, woulda been even better if they didn't cut so much of the content.
I think people spent 3 yeas saying hl2 would be goty, in the meantime, other games, gameplay types, and engines, have overtook them. thats to be completly expected. you can say "console this, console that" bottom line, hl2 gave me several "wow" moments, but i never played with a constant smile on my face, and i NEVER jumped out of my chair from excitement.
its a great game, deserves the 9.2 gamespot gave it, so did fc, d3 deserved the 8.whatever, cause it got real old real fast. and when the new zelda comes out, WATCH OUT!.
console games are getting better and better looking not from hardware advancements, but software advanceents (normal mapping, etc) valve jsut added some new things and created essentially hl1 with higher res and physics, thats it, but the excessive load times, one minuit for ever 5 minites of gameplay at first, then about 30 seconds of load for every 5 mins of gameplay later, i mean thats INSANE by todays standards, and the idiots coded that into a NEW ENGINE? how come other new engines don't have that enormous flaw?.
some of your people talk about valve like little girls use to talk about New Kids on the Block, when i was growing up. try worshiping something that will save your soul sometimes; not jsut waste your time
the hl2 fanbois are really starting to disturb me, and make me want to completly turn away from the community

Er, this is a HL2 site. What are you expecting?

theres a shitton of funner games then hl2, hell fps's aren't even the funnest games there is.

I'm glad you think so. There's many people that would disagree. This is what we like to refer to as an opinion. You think there's "funner" games out there, other people don't. See how it works?

hl2 gave me several "wow" moments, but i never played with a constant smile on my face, and i NEVER jumped out of my chair from excitement.

Again, that was you. Many people did play with a constant smile on their face. That doesn't make them fanbois.

valve jsut added some new things and created essentially hl1 with higher res and physics, thats it,

I can only assume from this that you didn't actually play the game. Also, where's all this amazing console game innovation? All I see new on consoles are rehashes of the same genres. Even GTA3 isn't new.

hats INSANE by todays standards, and the idiots coded that into a NEW ENGINE?

Yeah, I can just see them sat round in a meeting, trying to decide how long they should make the load times. Given the size of the maps, and the resolution of the textures and models, all that data has to get into memory somehow. Far Cry had really crap load times. So did Doom 3. They just did it less often, as their environments weren't as detailed or complex.

Bashing people for liking HL2 makes you as bad as the "fanbois" you seek to attack.

The reason HL2 isn't GOTY this time is because of the pervasion of the console market. In 1998, the PC was the mainstream games machine. This time round, the PC is a niche market. If people like HL2 enough to call it their best game ever, then that's their personal choice. Who are you to say that they're wrong.

And don't bother trying to call me a fanboi in response. HL2 isn't my favourite game ever, or even best PC game ever, and I'm happy to admit it's flawed. However, best PC game of 2004? Absolutely. Better than Far Cry or Doom 3? God, yes. Worthy successor to HL? Damn straight.

See? An opinion.
I don't know whether HL2 will get 50 game of the year awards, it seems alot to me, but how many publications are we talking about? Website and magazine awards included I assume, if that's correct, then actually it's likely. Think how much larger the games industry is now since 1999 when HL1 was released. Alot of mainline media pay attention to gaming such as tv and newspapers who give their mature opinion. I think in this respect there is probably more awards and more chance of HL2 gaining 50 or more prizes.
polyguns said:
GTA pretty much invented the coolest gameplay ever, and while i won't play gta sa, due to my addiction to gta 3, i guarantee its awsome, and i garuntee that after 2 months a huge amount of people are still playing that game.
But GTA 3 didn't do anything revolutionary. It was just like GTA 1 in 3d with some gameplay options added. And GTA SA isn't revolutionary either. It's just bigger and more extended. I don't sya it's bad. When it's out on PC I'm going to buy it on the first day it's out like HL2.

can't really count css as part of hl2, its a ported mod, i mean common.
Mods are also part of a game. They are an important reason for many people why they would choose for a game (especially for games like HL2 and Battlefield 1942/Vietnam/and hopefully BF2 next year). Mods are also still one of the main reasons why I think PC is better than console.

last year hl2 woulda smoked everyone, but this year theres a shitloadof competition
There are a lot of good games released last year and I've played Far Cry, Doom 3, Battlefield Vietnam, Ground Control 2 and Doom 3. But I still kept playing BF1942 too. From the release in september 2002 there wasn't one week I haven't played it, until Nov 16. So HL2 is the first game that stopped me playing BF1942 and that means more to me than some awards and review scores.

and i think the die hard hl2 fold are jsut gonna end up being bitter and saying everyone else is stupid
Yes, most people are stupid :P
Personally I figured that it wouldn't win the GOTY for Spike. In a TV market, you are more likely to see console games win. Plus having Samuel L Jackson in the game kinda helps. Having played GTA:SA, HL2, and Halo2, I would rather have GTA:SA beat HL2 than Halo2. Personally I was ticked that Halo2 beat Halflife2 in the best FPS award. But then like I said with a TV voting system, and the majority of console gamers.... Kinda expected. I haven't enjoyed Halo2 very much. Probably because I played HL2 first. Of course Halo2 is also my first console fps, so it could be that I just don't like playing an FPS without a mouse for aiming.