We Need -->your<-- Help!

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come reteb team develop the upcoming mod resident evil: the evil begins! we are loking for faithful and skillful mappers, modelers, and coders for our mod, we need your help, so apply today at http://www.reteb.hlgaming.com ! we need your help! this mod is about zombies taking over a city called Sky Light city! there will be many modes to play like hold the fort. we are looking for expirenced members. Be prepared to show some of your artwork when you come to apply!
We Need -->YOUR<-- help!
[email protected]
Hope you've talked to Capcom.
Don't worry, I'm sure they will be glad to here someone has stolen their idea and are making a game about it.

STFU YOU GAY ASS PENIS RAMMING FLAMERS! do sometyhing useful instead of flaming the hell out of everyone's mods. try at least giving some advice.
Althought you guys are right about talking to a company first, you still don't need to come and flame someone about it. I'm willing to bet he knows its not legal to steal a companys idea, he probably just doesnt care.. The forums don't need idiots like you saying "omgz0r it says resident evil!!!!111oneoneone".
maybe you should piss off you worthless dog ****er, try learning how to spell ****tard you ass wipe. why the hell do you flame then get pissed when someone shows you up? go get laid behind a dumpster for a dollar you penis rammer. (and by the way, i'm 19)
haha, you reckon you show me up boy? you don't convince anyone that you are a even a teenager yet.
He may be 19 in age, but 5 in maturity (and IQ, cant tell yet)
There are a TON f Resident Evil, or Resident Evil type games out now, so i think you may wish to look into something else. I don't think that CAPCOM will like this, and if you get sued don't blame us.

Make your mod new! Use new ideas. I know that i would like to have a multiplayer Co-Op game (not Sven, though i can't wait for that to come out either) where you get to fight machines, or robots or something else besides Zombies and/or Combine.
Holy shit, this is entertainment!


But crapinabottle :)P), you should care about stealing other people's ideas and making a unoriginal and unimaginative mod. There are too many official goddamn Resident Evil games... I don't think we need any more unofficial ones.

Why not just make a zombie mod, but have something original about it, eh? Or join up with an existing one, there's like 4000.
At the end of the day, you're all a bunch of bell-ends.

Give this guy a chance - he wants to make a good mod, he's already got a good site... good start.

Why am I saying good so much?


I RECKON your an ass... oh wait, i dont "RECKON" i know. How bout being nice for a change? Jeeze, if you cant control your attitude then dont post here.
hey, they brought it upon themslevese by flaming, if they wouldn't have been mean and flamed, I'd have left everyone alone, but they did and that deserves a little attitude.
hahaha, penis.

What was this thread about again ? Flaming ?

But seriously, Resident Evil 4 is gonna rock
Flippage said:
But seriously, Resident Evil 4 is gonna rock
I concur.

Wait, no I don't, I've only played the first one :p
i know
im just the propoganda
and u dont need a consolt or wutever from capcom... theres like 20 hl2 mods but thanks 4da advice guys
Closed for flames and spam.
My apologies to the OP
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