Weapon Group Binds

Dec 12, 2004
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Sorry if this is the same ol' stuff, but I didn't find what I was looking for when I searched. I'd like to bind INS to Knife, HOME to Pistol, PAGE UP to Rifle, DELETE to grenade and END to bomb. Can anyone help me with this please?
Also, do demos take up a lot of space on the hard drive?
Hey Dinkleberry, so do you want to be able to quickswitch to these weapons or is it Buy scripts that you want? About Demos: they dont take up much room on your hard drive but it depends for how long you are recording an average match demo is about 10mb
ok doing these binds are easy; where it says key replace with the desired key... put this in your .cfg files which is located in your css directory in the folder configs... or just type this ingame but make sure u dont have a read only config file

Bind "key" "slot1" (rifle) <--- dont include comments in brackets
Bind "key" "slot3" (knife)
Bind "key" "slot2" (pistol)
Bind "key" "slot3;wait;slot3" (flash)
Bind "key" "slot3" (he)
Bind "key" "slot3;wait;slot3;wait;slot3" (smoke)
Bind "key" "slot10" (bomb)

Some of these might not work with css but i know they was the binds for 1.6 hope this kinda helps
Cheers dudes, that's what I was looking for :D. Is there a key map anywhere that tells you which names for the special keys on the keyboard e.g the Insert and Home buttons?
np i'll find out for you , i think its ins_kp1 i think not sure
you could just try them out by binding something else in the options menu to them to see what it calls the button