weapon/health cfg settings not working



halflife deatmatch weapon/health cfg settings not working

I have tried changing the settings below in the game Half Life Deathmatch. I have put these settings in the server.cfg, skill.cfg, game.cfg, listenserver.cfg, and even typed a few of them in the console. I have tried it with sv_cheat enabled and disabled. I have also tried them with and without the quotation marks, not that that makes any difference. They won't work. Have any of you been able to change the default weapon/health setting in this game? Any ideas why I can't?

// =================
// =================

sk_plr_dmg_ar2 "10" //default 8
sk_npc_dmg_ar2 "3"
sk_max_ar2 "90"//default 60
sk_max_ar2_altfire "3"

sk_plr_dmg_alyxgun "5"
sk_npc_dmg_alyxgun "3"
sk_max_alyxgun "150"

sk_plr_dmg_pistol "10"//default 5
sk_npc_dmg_pistol "3"
sk_max_pistol "150"

sk_plr_dmg_smg1 "8"//default 4
sk_npc_dmg_smg1 "3"
sk_max_smg1 "225"

sk_plr_dmg_buckshot "15"//default 8
sk_npc_dmg_buckshot "3"
sk_max_buckshot "60"////default 30

sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round "100"
sk_npc_dmg_rpg_round "50"
sk_max_rpg_round "1"//default 3

sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade "100"
sk_npc_dmg_smg1_grenade "50"
sk_max_smg1_grenade "3"
sk_smg1_grenade_radius "250"

//sk_plr_dmg_gauss "25"
//sk_plr_max_dmg_gauss "30"

sk_plr_dmg_sniper_round "20"
sk_npc_dmg_sniper_round "100"
sk_max_sniper_round "30"

sk_plr_dmg_357 "40"
sk_npc_dmg_357 "30"
sk_max_357 "6"//default 12

sk_plr_dmg_crossbow "100"
sk_npc_dmg_crossbow "10"
sk_max_crossbow "5"//default 10

sk_plr_dmg_airboat "3"
sk_npc_dmg_airboat "3"

//sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_plr "10"
//sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_npc "100"

sk_plr_dmg_grenade "100"//default 150
sk_npc_dmg_grenade "75"
sk_max_grenade "2"//default 5

//sk_plr_dmg_crowbar "40"//default 10
//sk_npc_dmg_crowbar "5"

//sk_plr_dmg_stunstick "30" //default 10
//sk_npc_dmg_stunstick "40" // Kill a citizen in one hit

//sk_plr_dmg_satchel "150"
//sk_npc_dmg_satchel "75"
//sk_satchel_radius "150"

// Mortar Synth projectile
//sk_dmg_energy_grenade "2"
//sk_energy_grenade_radius "100"

sk_dmg_homer_grenade "20"
sk_homer_grenade_radius "100"

// Bullsquid spit
//sk_dmg_spit_grenade "5"
//sk_spit_grenade_radius "50"

sk_plr_dmg_tripmine "50"//default 150
//sk_npc_dmg_tripmine "125"
//sk_tripmine_radius "200"

sk_plr_dmg_fraggrenade "90"//default 125
sk_npc_dmg_fraggrenade "75"
sk_fraggrenade_radius "250"

sk_suitcharger "100"//default 75
sk_suitcharger_citadel "500"
sk_suitcharger_citadel_maxarmor "200"
sk_battery "30" //default 15
sk_healthcharger "100" //default 50
sk_healthkit "40"//default 25
sk_healthvial "20" //default 10

// Combine balls
sk_combineball_seek_angle "15"
sk_combineball_guidefactor "1.0"

// NPC damage adjusters
sk_npc_head "3"
sk_npc_chest "1"
sk_npc_stomach "1"
sk_npc_arm "1"
sk_npc_leg "1"

// player damage adjusters
sk_player_head "3"
sk_player_chest "2"
sk_player_stomach "2"
sk_player_arm "1"
sk_player_leg "1"

// Allies
sk_ally_regen_time "0.2"

// Jeep
sk_max_gauss_round "30"

sk_plr_num_shotgun_pellets 20 //default 7

sk_plr_health_drop_time 10 //default 30
Ok some of them do work. The health-armor ones work, but the player damage ones don't. And many of the ones that are supposed to allow you to increase or limit ammo for certain weapons doesn't work. For example,

sk_max_smg1_grenade 5

should let me have 5 nades instead of the default 3 for the machine gun. Of if I set it for 1, it should stop nade pick up at 1 but it doesn't.

The real sad one is not being able to make the pistol and shotgun stronger, because in my opinion, they are just too weak for a DM.