weapon modding....a few questions.


Dec 14, 2004
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Well, I was bored this morning so I decided I would try and use the MP5 model from CS:Source and use that as the SMG model in HL2DM. All I did was take the mp5 view model from CS and put it in the hl2dm/models/weapons/ directory. I named it v_smg1.mdl and started up hl2dm. The old smg model was gone, but I could not see the mp5 model. Now, I didnt expect this to work at all, but what is the proper way of going about doing this? Help appreciated in advance.
u would have to decompile the cs model and rename all the animations so they match the ones of the v_smg1. Origins might also be weird, plus u need to copy over the textures.
yikes, that sounds complicated.....where should I get started?
decompile? do I do that with XSI for hl2?
are there any good tutorials i should check out?
again, thanks in advance for any advice.
okay, so I've decompiled the MP5 mdl, Ive got a whole bunch of files too. What do I do know? Do I have to decompile the hl2 smg model too to get the filenames.....I'm lost. Help?
u gotta make all the animations match so u gotta edit the qc that was dumped by the decompiler. check a site on how to do that or use google.
okay, I've got all the animations to match, and I recompiled the model.....now I just not sure where to put it....where do I put it in the hl2dm directory....do I create model folder and put it in there?
half-life 2 deathmatch/hl2mp/models/weapons/v_smg1?
Ok, I almost have this working....the hl2 SMG Model doesnt show up, no model shows up except some redboxes at the top of the screen......I can see the gun shoot but I cant see the model.
move the origins up
find where it says

$origin x x x (x's r numbers) and make the last number smaller bigger.
if there aren't any origins then u just make write em in. this is all in the qc file.
u have to have the models in
half life 2 deathmatch/hl2dm/models/weapons
what numbers should I put for the X X X's, (sorry the smaller, bigger part confused)

sorry if Im being a pain, but thanks for the help spooon!
Okay. now, i get an error in console, model doesnt show up. Error is:
models\weapons\v_smg1\v_smg_mp5.vvd has wrong checksum
What does that mean?
wooo hooo! okay I got the model ingame....heres what I see though:

It looks like the textures are missing.....what did I do wrong?
find the vmt and vtf files for the mp5 and the hands then put them in ur hl2 folder but keep the paths.
also, move the origins over to the left since its a left handed weapon, i dunno which origin u gotta use, i think the first one. Try negative values too.