Weapon/Prop Modeler looking for team

hello im the leader of Opposing Shephard we our looking for prop's modeller's m8 hear is our concept art

we our in need of prop modeller's would you like to help us?
Sending of email soon.
We (at HL : EPI) need you more!
i'd say ennui, sidewinder already has enough people on his team. gosh. look at their mod its already like professional status. other people need help too u know. :|
crackhead: i just got him last night anyway iposted it up on the forum we got him

xdiesp: what do you mean? he could help you? sorry m8.
I'm an ass, I let him join my team then changed my mind :| feel moderately bad about it
stop rendering with that stupid "raytrace" ... they look better without
no more requests

sorry, iv already found a few people to work with. im not accepting any more requests

yea he with me oh less you have use your power's of modelling to piss on cat's, wow where did that come form? well how many mod did you join dude?
well sorry for posting again, i see that modeller's are like lost money here, you say something about it and all the people try to get him (or it) man i never seen anything like it. it like the last modeller around and you guy's are like crawing your hand in to him not to say i did the same witch i did and it was fun and m00n3r is a good worker as well he get's thing's dun fast and he a great worker btw, so good luck to the next one
If modellers are lost money, then Coders are like lost coupons for...something even better than money!

Seriously, if you've ever seen a post that staes "Coder looking for mod team", you should see how quickly it fills up with requests.

-Angry Lawyer
yes coders are the most important...shit...i need some coders. i would cut off my f*cken left testicle or someshit just to have one. lol :D
xC4RN4G3x said:
yes coders are the most important...shit...i need some coders. i would cut off my f*cken left testicle or someshit just to have one. lol :D

wow lol thats kinda....umm whats the word
well, opposing shephard got delayed, so im looking for another team again