Wearing contact lenses guide

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
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I wish to wear contact lensen, the place I get my glasses from did not have lenses with the right cylinder for me, so I turned to online stores.
I just orderd a test pack, with four pares of lenses that are all from a different product
Biomedics 55 toric
Proclear compatibles toric
Purevision toric
Softlens 66

I also got three lens care products
Complete moister plus
Renu Multiplus
Solo care aqua
All three are multipurpose product, for cleaning disinfecting and storing

Now I know how to put lenses on my eyes and I know what some of the side effects might be, so I am well prepared for that kind of thing, but what I do not know is the daily ritual associated with lenses.

From what I understand what I have to do the first time I open the lens packaging and take the lens out of the little cups filled with liquid is put both lenses in the lens holders, fill it the with the lens care product and let it sit for 4 hours, after that I can take out the lens and wear it.
After I take the lens out I have to rinse the lens holder with the lens care liquid and let it dry in open air, after that close the lens holders.

Now in the evening when I take my lenses out, I put them in the lens holder fill it with the lens care product, and go to sleep.

And in the morning the whole thing begins again.

Is that all right?

Is it really necessary to put the lenses when you take them out for the first time out of their packaging in the lens care solution?

Should I buy separate eye drops, because in one of the manuals of one the lens care products( complete moister plus) it says if the lens feels unconformable or i have small irritations I can directly squeeze a few drops of that product on to my eyes.
So is it just as good to use the lens care products or are separate eye drops better or cheaper.

And if I buy eye drops do they have to be of the same brand as the lens care product I use to clean my lenses?

Is it wise to carry eye drops with me?

What else do I need to know?
God, just beginning to read your thread made my eyes water. I could NEVER do the contact scene.

I know a roomate who uses them, though, and she puts them in a no rub solution every night...and changes them every so often. That's all I've noticed.
they should provide you with all the info.

i say put them bitches in and rock on...carefully
All in all contacts seem easier then glasses, the can't fall of as easly, the can't be kick out as easily, you can rest your head against a pillow comfortably, it's easier to do sports. You don't have to wipe them clean, it's easer when it rains, again no raindrops in front of your eyes like on your glasses, no wiping the drops afterwards. No sun or monitor reflection that can distract you.
All in all contacts seem easier then glasses, the can't fall of as easly, the can't be kick out as easily, you can rest your head against a pillow comfortably, it's easier to do sports. You don't have to wipe them clean, it's easer when it rains, again no raindrops in front of your eyes like on your glasses, no wiping the drops afterwards. No sun or monitor reflection that can distract you.

and how is this news to anybody?

anyway, some people just can't wear contacts, get lasik it's the shit:thumbs:
Do not get contact solution you need to cleanse with saline.
Thats how i got chemical burns to my eye.
Don't go with online stores. Find some place that can get them on your eye. Just so you know what your doing. It took me 2 long attempts working with the eye people to get the contact in my eye. I only got one in that day and couldn't get it out. It took 4 before I could get them in and out of my eye. Don't expect to be able to put your contacts in right away. Very VERY few people can do that. Its going to take quite a few attempts before you'll manage to even get one in. Also remember, you are bound to scratch your eye. You are bound to fall asleep with your contacts and one day they are bound to scratch your eye. It's ok. The eye heals incredibly quick, and the pain was little for me. Just leave your contacts out for a day or two and your eye will be all better. Becareful though, your eye can get easily infected when it's cut(I've never had an infection and I cut my eye probably once a month, and sometimes I don't even take my contacts out).

Now I can touch my eye(freaks people out), put my contacts in without a mirror and etc.. I also cut my eye routinely(I sleep with my contacts in all the time and i'm not suppose to). Contacts are a wonderfull thing. I wont wear my glasses in public anymore. It's either two contacts, one contact(headache ftw?), or "ahh shit I can't see".

Heres what I basically do:
-I get up, put my contacts in.
-Do whatever the hell I have to do in my day
-When I go to bed and I decide to take my contacts out heres what I do:
- I put new solution into my contact holders, and take out my contacts and place them in there.
- I close all the caps tightly.

When I take new contacts out of there cases I just pop them into my eye.

I change mine once a month. Your eyes heal incredibly quick, you can literally take a big chunk out of your eye out and you will be all better within a week or 2.
I have dailies.

In my eyes in the morning, in the bin when I'm done.


I'd be better off with LASER EYE SURGERY.

Where they put LASERS in my EYES.


Seriously though, I find it impossible to put the contacts in. I just... can't.
I have the ones you can sleep in, though I avoid it whenever I can.

I hardly even clean mine. I take them out, put them in the case, and then fill it with cleaner crap and go to sleep. Probably why my eyes are so screwed up sometimes though :P

They were red / watery last night for some reason, was really annoying. Only lasted an hour or so though, and came up all of a sudden.

The way I see it, if my contacts were designed to wear for 30 days continuously, there's no harm in barely cleaning them / sleeping in them once in a while.


I'd be better off with LASER EYE SURGERY.

Where they put LASERS in my EYES.


Seriously though, I find it impossible to put the contacts in. I just... can't.

Your eyez! They too big! Charge ya lazer and burn the mother****ers!
Your eyez! They too big! Charge ya lazer and burn the mother****ers!


Uuuuh... yes

Contacts are fantastic for sport. I mean, I was skiing, and my mask broke earlier that day. It was snowing, and has I went down I discovered that, although it hurt, I could still see stuff. The snow was hitting the contacts and melting, rather then ripping my eye to shreds... :P
You could always buy the hydrogen peroxide solution and its appropriate case. It's wonderful. You take out your contacts for the night, put it in the case, fill the case with the hydrogen peroxide solution and let it sit for at least 6 hours or the next morning and voila, lenses are clean. All you need to do from there is pop them in to your eye.