Web Games, anyone?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Have any of you ever played any Web Based games?

Lately I have been trying a couple, and so far i'm enjoying myself. No graphics, nothing fancy, but it's quite fun.

One is called Utopia, and the other is Earth 2025. Both are free and from the same host, so check em out if you want. I only recently started playing them, so I can't really give much more information than that. <chuckles>



Have any of you played these games, or any other web based games? If so, please share!
Runescape is the obvious one. I've tried a lot of those browser turn-based RPGs but can never really get into them. If anyone knows one with some kind of visible map that you can click to move around on, send me the link.
Yikes, does NOBODY play web games?


I'm having lots of fun with Earth 2025! It's getting quite addictive for me, and I only really need play it once a day or every couple of days depending on how warranted it is.

It's better than that whole 'nation states' thing, although there's no legislation or anything of that sort in the game. Heh.