web page hosting


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows a place where they will host a website for free. PLEASE HELP!!!

preferably someplace where no skill is required to make the site. thanks a bunch
herbster, dude, that's very hard :\, to MAKE a website you need to have atleast some experience with .html...
herbster, well... Do you want a website or do you just want to host various files?
herbster said:
Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows a place where they will host a website for free. PLEASE HELP!!!

preferably someplace where no skill is required to make the site. thanks a bunch

what kind of website? I might be able to get you free hosting depending on what you want to make.
well, i want to make a site with a newsletter of sorts about lots of different stuff. its kinda silly and badly thought out.
well, I knew last night but ive kinda forgotten. I was thinking something to do with humour and that perained with HL2, but i cant really remember and it was probably a stupid idea anyway. i was very tired.
i was thinking a while back i could do a newsletter about fake news though, but I lost my original good ideas
also, I was wondering what a worldly person like yourself would think of Source-engine movies. Me and a pal were discssing it and we thought it would be cool.