Webcam recording


Jul 31, 2004
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Does anyone know how to record webcam conversation's on MSN?
AND NO! Before you think it is for some sick purpose, it isn't!
My sister is overseas and is going to use msn with her fiancee' and chat with my mum using webcam. My mum wants to record it somehow. And I simply don't know what to do. :(
Does anyone know if it's possible? Please?
i dont know, maybe you could use netmeeting and you might be able to record it from there. Msn isnt very good for webcam convo's anyway.
eh... i suppose a program that record your desktop could do that since you can use print screen on a msn web cam convo (don't ask how i know that)....... but i have no idea where to get a proggy like that, go on google and search for Free desktop recorder or something
use a screen capturer. There's some programs out there that record individual windows as well!
You could use fraps!

it may work and u can get free versions tho they arent amazing quality andf the like

however im unsure if it will capture the video becaus ei tried to take a screen on windows media player once and it wouldnt take a picture of the video,

but its worth a try as it isnt a screenshot :)
I couldn't get Fraps to work, but I found Bulent's screen recorder.
Pretty simple to use, a little buggy though.
Thanks guys :)