Wednesday: A good day to die


Feb 3, 2005
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Out of curiosity, I was looking for some statistics on what day of the year most deaths occur, but instead came across this:

almost 25 percent of suicides occur on Wednesdays as compared to 14 percent on Mondays or Saturdays, the two days tied for second-highest suicide rates. The study also found if you make it through Wednesday, your risk for suicide plummets by more than half the following day; Thursdays have the lowest rate, with only 11 percent of suicides.

So like, if you feel like killing yourself, check the day of the week, and see if you can make it to Thursday - then you are home free! The more you know*

Found the information I was looking for, but it's only for the US

Winter is deaths favorite season. In 1995, January had many more deaths than any other month(220,000). It was followed by March, April, and December. (February would have been second if it had had 31 days instead of 28). The month with the least deaths was September (178,000), followed by June, August, and May. The top day for death in 1992, the most recent year for which daily data are available, was January 3, when 7,422 Americans died. That is about 25 percent more than an average day in 1992. Death's slowest day was July 22, with just 5,347 deaths. That's about 10 percent below average.

There is less variation in deaths weekly schedule. The most likely day to die in 1992 was either Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday, but the day with the least deaths -- Sunday -- was less than 2 percent below the daily average.
I was going to guess January 1.

via The Facts of Death:
Next time I see a person about to commit suicide I'm going to say "Looks like somebody has a case of the Wednesdays!"

And then call the police, letting them know somebody is having a really bad case of the Wednesdays.
I really feel like shit today, but I'm not about to pretend the day of the week has anything to do with it. Most people feel terrible on Monday... I don't. I just feel terrible when I feel terrible.

I mean, unless they're saying it only has to do with suicidal thoughts.
Wednesday is the shitty part of the week, where you've dealt with the majority of the workweek already, without Friday to look forward to. It makes sense most suicides are on Wednesday.
Makes sense about the seasonal information regarding death. Cold/gloomy outside = more suicides.

Day-of-the-week-wise, people just can't wait for the weekend, eh? Those who do likely get drunk and run into trees. But I would have honestly thought Monday would be the #1 day. Personally, too many comments from others on potentially having "a case of the Mondays" has been almost enough to kill them, kill their family, and then myself.
OK, if I ever plan to kill myself, I'll make sure it's on a Thursday, just to **** with their statistics!
Makes sense about the seasonal information regarding death. Cold/gloomy outside = more suicides.

I haven't read past page 3 or so, so maybe you're referring to something else -- but for the general death statistics I think the winter thing may have more to do with old people dying from flu and/or generally weakened immune systems. Suicide would probably go up too, but not enough to make an overall difference compared to natural deaths.

Anyways, interesting. Wednesdays do suck. Mine today certainly did.
Wait, I still have 2 hours left on this Wednesday!

/sets up noose
Makes sense about the seasonal information regarding death. Cold/gloomy outside = more suicides.

Day-of-the-week-wise, people just can't wait for the weekend, eh? Those who do likely get drunk and run into trees. But I would have honestly thought Monday would be the #1 day. Personally, too many comments from others on potentially having "a case of the Mondays" has been almost enough to kill them, kill their family, and then myself.

Cold days are more cheerful for me usually. Hot muggy days are more depressive.
That's only because cold days don't really exist in Texas.

I like the winter. I don't mind being freezing, it doesn't bother me, but being hot and sweaty is the worst. I actually feel much more energetic in cold weather.

And I like Wednesdays too. Flames of War night **** yeah!
Good to see you are all still with us here on this fine Thursday. Today: partly cloudy with an 11% chance of suicide.
I've always hated the winter. Not just because of the cold. Everything just looks so depressing. Overcast all the time, etc.
OK, if I ever plan to kill myself, I'll make sure it's on a Thursday, just to **** with their statistics!

I like the winter because it's so peaceful and quiet.

1) people are inside instead of driving around blasting their music and mother****ers on street bikes with no muffler blasting past.

2) when it snows, it's a remarkable sound insulator.
Now that I think about it, my two fairly recent (halfhearted) suicide attempts have occurred on wednesdays... creepy.
Now that I think about it, my two fairly recent (halfhearted) suicide attempts have occurred on wednesdays... creepy.

Cut that shit out mother****er.
Now that I think about it, my two fairly recent (halfhearted) suicide attempts have occurred on wednesdays... creepy.
Don't do that ever again. >: |
I like the winter. I don't mind being freezing, it doesn't bother me, but being hot and sweaty is the worst. I actually feel much more energetic in cold weather.

To be honest I didn't even know dogs cared that much about the weather.

Why do you like winter? You're not a sled dog are you? Or do you just like digging holes in the snow?
@Raz, Dodo (& possibly Remus...)

Nothing to worry about, just a bit of the 'I'm 16, it's my life & I'll throw it away for a girl if I want to' drama. 'sall good now though, I got a slap in the face from my brother via Facebook & I've realised now what a stupid idea it was.
I just thought you were feeling insecure and you needed to lie to people on the forum to get attention.

Or something.