wee! my lucky day!


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I just got adsl and it's my birthday.
not much, just 704kbit/sec, but it's better than no internet. That's why i have been so quiet lately. Well, nice birthday present on my 21 11.may?! :dork:

Wohoo! I'm happy! :)
thank you all.. :) I've missed this forum the most.. :D
My birthday was in April and Valve forgot to give me a present.... :(
fizzlephox said:
My birthday was in April and Valve forgot to give me a present.... :(
:( maybe the sent something, but the postal service stole it!
Broadband rules doesn't it! Face it, in a while you'll be addicted :LOL:

Happy birthday dude! :thumbs:
I've been addicted for a loong time. First I had 704kbit for a while, then i got 2mbit for 6 months, then i had 0kbit and now i have 704 again.. :) Should go back to 2mbit, that were the days.. :D But it was way to expensive.
happy birthday and congrats. course my connections faster. nyah :p
well, my ping is higher(bigger) than your ping! :p
Thanx, by the way.