Weekly Art Contest Number 14 Discussion

Ive been waiting to see yours suicide, it turned out pretty well.
heeey.... i gave the idea. *sniff*. ever scince i joined the forum a couple of weeks ago its been my weeklong dream to submit the idea for the art contest...
i guess, putting that ambition aside i now have a new one...
EXCEPT ANYone else eho posts an entry......
but listen up anyone elsee whos posting an entry...
your suit may have super boosers or big metal plates or even a rocket launcher....
bur my cardboard box design is light, durable and an easy discuise (as long as the A.I. is no better than the gaurds in metal gear solid... "whats that? just a box.")
either that or the aliens can smell u.
what? stops bullets? pphhhhtt, who cares, he looks cool. kinda.
:laugh: Very good.. uhh... wait... whats your name again?

GJ Suicide42
Yeah, so I entered. Made it in Flash. And it's a banana. Gordon's feeling fruity.
You sure it was your idea Suicide :P j/k

Anyways I've been waiting for this contest to come up, hopefully I find a scanner to scan in what I've made up for it in time.

These look pretty good so far...just one quick thing.

Anyone else kind of wondering about this part of the picture I circled ;). Haha, it looks great though. Also, that movie is awesome. I wish they would have made the sequal.
Gordon' wallet was causing discomfort, so he switched to a purse. :D

Nah, it's really just a duffel-ish bag, which makes sense:
How else would Gordo tote all those mounds of weapons and ammunition? :)
^^^^ while I agree in theory, no man should ever see his action hero with a purse.
spookymooky said:
^^^^ while I agree in theory, no man should ever see his action hero with a purse.
:laugh: Man I'm plain out too afraid to post anything with Images this good on the first day. I think I'll let this oen pass and see whats in store for next weeks compitition. I really like all of these a lot so far.
How's about we call it a "snark tote" then? :0

Also, to prevent future confusion, here is a helpful...
honestly, except for the purse, i like.
Especially the future boots. So useful...
You have my vote as of now: cool pic, cool avatar, and cool name. Good combo
Haven't we learned anything from the transformers?
Anything that looks wussy to us could really be a secret weapon in disguise! :eek:

So, what may look like an effeminate explosives carrying-case could very well MAXIMIZE into a laser-guided mega cannon/chainsaw, as in this 'spookymooky-friendly' depiction:

Autobots, transform! :D
lol, always be friendly to spookymooky. Well, as long as its a chainsaw in disquise you have officially won my vote...unless someone else's is better.
is that chainsaw actually a chainsaw or just a different purse... y'now.. intimidation...
"AAAAHHH he has a chainsaw!!! AND HE IS UNZIPPING IT.... AND TAKING some lipstick out of it??? WTF!!!"
hey am i still gonna paint that for u sulkdodds or have u found out the meaning of the brush by urself...
Mechagodzilla, it was called C.O.P.S. and it was awesome! Longarm was my favourite cop on there, and Dr Badvibes (the tranny) made me laugh so much. And there was BP Vess too, he got messed up real bad and they rebuilt him to be bullet proof.........everywhere on his chest but not a smidge of protection on his head lol

Ahhhh those were the days :) "It's crime fighting time!"
I meant to name it gordon-bear but put bunny for some reason.
Is it just me or does "Bunny Gordon" look like the bear(The one with the "tail" that pops out) out of Bo Selecta (You would have to live in England to know what I'm talking about.)
Is it just me or does "Bunny Gordon" look like the bear(The one with the "tail" that pops out) out of Bo Selecta (You would have to live in England to know what I'm talking about.)
LOL yes...... i know what u mean... did u see the xmas special (hohoho selecta) where he.... err, better not say children r watching. nice vader impression tho...
Murray_H said:
Mechagodzilla, it was called C.O.P.S. and it was awesome! Longarm was my favourite cop on there, and Dr Badvibes (the tranny) made me laugh so much. And there was BP Vess too, he got messed up real bad and they rebuilt him to be bullet proof.........everywhere on his chest but not a smidge of protection on his head lol

Ahhhh those were the days :) "It's crime fighting time!"

So that's it! I swore it was called "COPS", but that had already been taken. I must have forgot about the periods that acronymize the title.
I remember so little about that show, except for Longarm and the midget gangsters. :D
Pressure said:
If you read up a post you'd see I meant to put bear :)

Yes i know but i was saying it looks like a particular bear. If i said Gordon bear, people might not kow what i was talking about.
nooooooo, i was looking forward to adding detail to that paper mache thing. *sniff* oh well.
THIS IS MY 250TH POST I R 73 1337
Which makes you...a small robot chainsaw. Well done! :cheers:
Now a crowbar bayonet...how does that work?
... Well, that was a depressingly low amount of entries this week. Nearly 200 views though :|
maybe they saw my entry and new they couldnt compete with such class ;)
Were can I see the entries??

edit - one more and I'm 800
no, just resting. in utter silence. under a rock pillow. forever. maybe.
Never! I will not let this stand! Okay, I probably will. I'll shout at people though.
/me points at random person
You! Yes, you with the big nose! What have you done with the art compo?