Weekly Steam News (03/06/05)

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
There was a very exciting Steam update, just less than twelve hours ago. It talks about some of the more promising mod teams out there but fans of the original Counter-Strike will really love this one:
We're happy that the recently released Counter-Strike: Source maps de_inferno and de_port have been so well received, and along those lines it's time to start talking about what's coming next. This week, we have a couple of screenshots from the remake of the classic Counter-Strike map cs_assault, which is now set in downtown Chicago.[br]

[br]We always like to keep everyone abreast of the games the MOD community is working on, so here is a list of a few we're keeping our eye on:[br]
Plan of Attack, <!-- looks like the hostile planet web site is down :( Hostile Planet, --> Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2, Sven Co-Op 2, Sourceball, and Dystopia[br]
All of these projects are at varying stages of development, ranging from the concept phase to having a playable game ready for you to download from their site. It's cool to follow a MOD team from their initial concept through the eventual release, as you generally get to see a side of game development that is somewhat hidden with traditional game development companies.
As ususal, to see the news update just restart your Steam client, or click here.
I just wanna be the first to apologise to all the HL2:DM players. Im really sorry. *giggle*

I'm sure you'll get your updates one day.
new assault looks terrible. as was inferno. Why valve, why? Cant they just leave the map the way it is, with minor alterations instead of changing the whole thing :(
Carnage_333 said:
new assault looks terrible. as was inferno. Why valve, why? Cant they just leave the map the way it is, with minor alterations instead of changing the whole thing :(

Go play the old one. :sleep:
lemonfridge said:
I just wanna be the first to apologise to all the HL2:DM players. Im really sorry. *giggle*

I'm sure you'll get your updates one day.

Are you seriously that stupid or was that suppose to be funny?
I was joking around. and i meant map updates. Im not overly impressed with the look of the new map, still looks rather bare, though knowing Valve that'll change before its released. I never played the 1.6 version so I'm probably more open to trying it.
Looks nice, I hope it's less changed compared to the original than de_inferno. Oh, and I hope it performs better than de_inferno, which is the only map that runs bad on my PC.
yay assault rocks oi Im happy I hope they realease when Im home not when Im lying a Hospital bed.......:(
Yay! Why don't they remake airstrip?

I'm sorry to seem bitter but come on, it's just because I want Nuke so bad. I'm grateful for what Valve is doing, all the free updates, but Assault is the most 1 sided map I've ever played.
hmm de_inferno's layout is unchanged besides a few extra rooms what were most likely for ballance.
It is the best looking map for HL2 I've seen.

About assault, can't say mutch until i've seen it as a whole, but the ladders
in the pics would fall down if you tried that irl :)
Also the ladder on top of the container could be replaced with a new model of a single ladder with the exact size.

And to the people complaining for getting something new for free, go play the old one if you like that one more. Some people just can't handle a change and the no votes in France and Netherlands on the contitution just proves that.
This is the only map i've been waiting for since the game was released, and it looks really good to me. They've changed it alot, but the game isn't about details and shit, its about how it plays which makes you wanna play more. Although source doesnt have that feeling. But this map looks good. If you havent played the original your missing out.
That ladder thing would not work in real life :p
Carnage_333 said:
new assault looks terrible. as was inferno. Why valve, why? Cant they just leave the map the way it is, with minor alterations instead of changing the whole thing :(

VALVe don't make the maps, it's Turtle Rock Studio's.
I wish Valve would invest time in creating something new rather than porting an old game. The numbers are already showing that players are resisting the move to the new engine. Why recreate maps/games when people are still going to prefer to play the old ones?

Valve hired up all these talented modders. Guys who not only had the coding/artist/mapping talent to make successful mods, but cool, unique gameplay ideas. Fast forward 5 years and these same guys are now rehashing their old work. Surely it's time for something fresh and exciting?
It's because the main CS:S playerbase want the old maps to return. Valve either caters to the veterans, or to the new-content people. It seems that they can only focus on one group at the time.

It's only a matter of time, though, before they run out of old maps to port over and they start working on new maps, like de_port. And the waiting keeps on going on and on.
Laguna said:
They should relase de_nuke instead..

You should quit demanding things and be greatful for the maps they keep releasing.
Ooo looks nice! The ladder models are sweet! Perhaps someone did a bit of welding to stop them from falling over.......:O
Carnage_333 said:
new assault looks terrible. as was inferno. Why valve, why? Cant they just leave the map the way it is, with minor alterations instead of changing the whole thing :(
they're trying to make the game look real....and they're doing a pretty good job...assault = teh win, 1.6 <3
I find it interesting that they don't mention Fortress Forever, considering, as far as mods go, FF may just have the most potential to be a success out of any of them.
The only thing I can see that I don't like is the lighting. I don't care what they do to the map, I think it looks sweet with the new changes, but the old assault had a bluish-grey light that looked really cool. It might be nice if they opened up the roof as well to make it easier for CTs, like they did in 1337 assault.
mortiz said:
VALVe don't make the maps, it's Turtle Rock Studio's.

Turtle Rock Studio's only made de_train, de_tides and the bots as far as I know.
Anouther week with nothing about DOD Source, when are they going to tell us something about it!
Dowie said:
Anouther week with nothing about DOD Source, when are they going to tell us something about it!

When you shut up about it.
When I shut up, this is about the first time ive complained about it?

Im just fed up with more info soon (been going on since, ohh about Last year)

Well if you stop waiting then the wait will become easier ;)
Dowie said:
Im just fed up with more info soon (been going on since, ohh about Last year)

Oh well, its not like you are helping them out any at all. Go play some game or do something other than complaining.
not that I personally care or that this is the place but I think him asking questions about DOD is very valid. Unlike CS: Source DOD wasnt free and it's quite likely many people here shelled out cash to have it 10 months ago when it was announced as "comming soon". I'm not getting it but I'd be rightly pissed off if I payed for something that was "comming soon" and then 10 months down the track theres been next to no updates bar 2 or 3 screen shots. (and I recall several people saying they ordered that package solely to play DOD and they had no interest in HL2 what so ever; they coulda waited to buy it sure but I think they deserve some update on their purchase regardless). And yes, its better that valvue takes its time and releases a superior product, but the guy only asked for some info of which theres been none in what seems to be months.
Devvo said:
Indeed. I've got my AS music exam on monday, but is that going to stop me playing the newly ensparkled DM tomorrow? heck no!
New CSS map looks cool as well. I'm guessing it'll be out in a fortnight.
Oh, and big up to the other mods :D I'm looking forward to downloading and playing them
I've been a huge CS player ever since 1.3... I've played every map over and over to death.. So when I see where the map looks different, or has a somewhat different layout, I find that awesome. Assault looks awesome. Inferno is awesome. de_Port is great. All the maps are great. but I don't play Dust or Dust2 much because I've played those UNGODLY, and they aren't that different...

Hopefully, the next maps to come out after Assault would be..

and of course...

And I would also love to get completely new original maps. But I would love to see GOOD remakes of those.
Looks great, just like all the other ports.
Bluestrike said:
Turtle Rock Studio's only made de_train, de_tides and the bots as far as I know.
nope. Turtle rock has made the following maps:
de_prodigy (i think not 100% sure)
and maybe a few more

when you load up the map, look at the map description while joining teams. It will tell you if its made by Turtle rock
Deemo said:
nope. Turtle rock has made the following maps:
de_prodigy (i think not 100% sure)
and maybe a few more

when you load up the map, look at the map description while joining teams. It will tell you if its made by Turtle rock

Wow youre right.
train and tides were ancounced to be made by turtlerock on release and because they didn't look that impressive I tought Valve made prodigy and inferno :)
train is one of the more graphically impressive maps out there IMHO. Tides probably isnt as brilliant but its not bad, it sure beats the original maps that shipped.