Weekly Steam News


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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Not much in this weeks update but interesting if you like reading the survey stats.
Recently we refreshed the Steam hardware survey to get a fresh look at what kind of hardware the community is currently running. In this version of the survey, which many of you have already seen, we are gathering a number of new pieces of data.
Now that we're approaching 500,000 unique responses, there are a few trends worth noting:
  • Most of you (88%) are running with a traditional CRT as your display device.
  • The split between AMD and Intel processors continues to stay very close as it has in the past. AMD has a slight lead with 52% of the community's processors.
  • Nvidia and ATI video cards are the dominant providers, with Nvidia cards occupying about 52% of your PCs.
  • Most of you have DVD drives in your PCs, or around 92%.
You can also check out the full results of the survey.[br]
Meanwhile, Introversion released an update to Darwinia last week to add a difficulty system to the game. People who purchased the game should have a fun challenge trying to make it through some of the later levels with these higher difficulty levels.
Boo to the max. Valve said we'd see more Episode 1 in the coming weeks. /Bangs fist on table repeatedly.
Samon said:
Boo to the max. Valve said we'd see more Episode 1 in the coming weeks. /Bangs fist on table repeatedly.
I was thinking pretty much the same thing.
I don't understand why they updated Darwinia.

But at least now I can sleep at night knowing that most people have DVD drives on their computers.
Samon said:
Boo to the max. Valve said we'd see more Episode 1 in the coming weeks. /Bangs fist on table repeatedly.

(Post crypticity level: off the scale!)
UltimaApocalyspe said:
I don't understand why they updated Darwinia.

But at least now I can sleep at night knowing that most people have DVD drives on their computers.

The people who made Darwinia updated it not Valve. Oh and about the dvd drives its about time.
I'm suprised by the popularity of the FX5200. I thought hardly anyone had that card.
FYI, the newest video cards aren't showing up in that survey, hence the difference between Crossfire and SLi.

Can't wait for those 7900GX2s to come out.
interesting statistics. Obviously the ydont represent PC users as a whole, just the FPS gamers out these since AMD has more like 20% of the market. Still extremly interesting

I wonder that the actual percentage of home users with a DVD drive actually is. I imagine it would be considerably less, more like 50 - 60% but still, nice stats.
Aprime said:
FYI, the newest video cards aren't showing up in that survey, hence the difference between Crossfire and SLi.

Can't wait for those 7900GX2s to come out.
Okay, I'm going to be honest ...

I have no idea what you're talking about. You're saying that the split is so pronounced because some nVidia cards aren't being counted?

What mythical 'newest video cards' aren't showing? The X1900? The 7800 series? But no, they're there! :)

Alexferris said:

I thought Crossfire was "better". :o

*Kirkburn bursts out laughing*
Samon said:
Boo to the max. Valve said we'd see more Episode 1 in the coming weeks. /Bangs fist on table repeatedly.
Pssh. I was surprised they didn't talk about TF2. You don't see me complainin...
Aprime said:
Actually, 70% of processor sales in 2005 = AMD.
that wouldnt factor in OEM's like dell and such who don't stock amd and sell systems in bulk. I very much doubt they are including a OEM system as a "processor sale".

AMD is still only about 20% of the market. Of course the percentage of actual processors bought over the counter will be high since a higher percentage of AMD based systems would be custom built due to OEMS like dell not supporting them and AMD users are very often gamers and the like.
JellyWorld said:
Ghosting is something you don't want in twitch games, cs1.6, dod1.3, dod:s, cS:s, hl2dm etc.

CRT is better for those games. For pop-trash casual gamers who play battlefield 2, LCD is fine.
Mr-Fusion said:
Ghosting is something you don't want in twitch games, cs1.6, dod1.3, dod:s, cS:s, hl2dm etc.

CRT is better for those games. For pop-trash casual gamers who play battlefield 2, LCD is fine.
still sounds odd though. Considering the rest of the hardware in the peoples PC's you think more would be on high end LCD's.

I still use CRT but not for long, waiting for the soon to be released Dell 2407 \m/ ( ^_^ ) \m/
I use 2 CRTs for work (and the occasional game) - a 21" and a 19", both at 1600x1200. I'd switch to LCDs if I could get them for the same spec at the same price...
Mr-Fusion said:
Ghosting is something you don't want in twitch games, cs1.6, dod1.3, dod:s, cS:s, hl2dm etc.

CRT is better for those games. For pop-trash casual gamers who play battlefield 2, LCD is fine.

LCDs are much more responsive than they were 2 years ago, I use a 19" iiyama LCD and have no problems with ghosting at all.
Kadayi Polokov said:
LCDs are much more responsive than they were 2 years ago, I use a 19" iiyama LCD and have no problems with ghosting at all.
Yeah but those are quite expensive tbh :| (Well now they're becoming cheaper but I think a 19" LCD low ms = 21" CRT)
Once you use a LCD you'll never want to go back to a CRT monitor again. Trust me, I used to like CRT's before but once my brother bought a LCD (we own two now for our two computers) I just fell in love. The screen is so sharp and very colourful.
Probably the best and most memorable experience was when I tested playing Half-Life 2 on it... Jesus Christ what a difference, you can't possibly imagine. :E
I'm happy with my 17'' CRT. While it's a bit small compared to today's standards it does me fine.

I'd use a LCD but to get something that can perform/out-perform my CRT will probably cost me around £200-£250+ for a decent one. Plus, I'd probably rather go for a 19'' one or something.

You can get CRT's dirt cheap now as no one wants one anymore. I could get one for like £10-30 or even for free so what's the point spashing out all the cash? I'd rather spend the money on some computer upgrades.

LCD's are nice though as they're a lot smaller, lighter and use less electricity.