Weight lifting problrm


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
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Let me clarify, ive been able to do this specific weight for MONTHS. Recent month, i had to constantly stop excercising due to injury and sickness, (now, im PERFECTLY fine, no illness, or injury whatsoever) for about a total of two weeks together. Now, i am back on track and doing the same excercises ive been doing for years. Previously, ive been able to lift a specific weight on a bench for MONTHS, and now, although i gave it plenty of time for my muscles to recover and rebuild to my previous state, i am unable to do what i use to do.

I can do half, and i cannot do more, and i dont stop cause of fatigue, or tiredness, i just cant push my arms hard as i use to be able to. I was able to lift it 10 times, take a quick break, and do another 10 before i was to take a break (after doing other excercies, i dont just do that). Now, i am only able to do 5, and its been bugging me so badly, it seems i am degrading in performance instead of increaseing. Also, i take no supliments, or energy drinks for my workout.
If you're diet and rest is in check, then it's just a matter of waiting for your body to finish healing. You were sick for 2 weeks, that's alot of strain on your body. Give it a few weeks, start with lower weights, work back up. It's a pain I know but it's part of the process.
Yeah, taking breaks from a constant program can have consequences of such, you'd have to continuously keep at it to keep it.
been sick for less than a week, i had stomach flu for about 4ish days, and 1 week of wrist injury, and the rest couple days of tiredness or so. I haven't changed anything in my life, and yet this is happening, and it is so frustraiting.
What kind of wrist injury?

If you take off a long time from lifting you will notice a huge decrease in how much you can actually lift. The good news is if you work on it you will be able to bounce back rather quickly.

I used to be able to bench 260 LBS as my max. I didn't lift for around 2 years and when I tried it again I could only bench 220.

But after only a week you should have lost very little strenght, it sounds like your wrists are still bad so I would advise you not to lift anything heavy. If you have access to a doctor your best bet is to consult with him. You really don't want to push yourself as you can do some serious damage to yourself. For now concentrate on your lower body, biking is great. And whatever you do be sure to rest every other day and to alternate what muscles you exercise on each day.
Wrist injury? Take some more time off. Probably not hindering your lifts but that's not something you want to mess with, period. The flu is extremely draining on your system, it takes alot out of you to recover. I doubt you were eating the right amount of protein during that time which is understandable. It's easy to lose alot of muscle when you're sick, muscle is the first thing to be cannabalized by your body when it needs extra energy, it's easier to burn than fat (which I think is ****ing stupid IMO but hey, evolution sucks)
Fortunately your body generally has good muscle memory, you should grow it back fast as long as you're eating right.
alright, thanks for the advice

BTW, it was a small twisted wrist which i happen to get often during basketball. Also, during the flu, i was unable to eat anything for 3 days, cause everything i ate i just instantly threw up. But its been two whole weeks since it happened, so doubtfully, it still has effect on me
take it easy dude. your bones need to recover as well or you'll do serious damage. just take it slow and gradually go back to what you used to do. i stretched a serious tendon in my back doing pushups after sickness and it ****s you up properly
alright, thanks for the advice

BTW, it was a small twisted wrist which i happen to get often during basketball. Also, during the flu, i was unable to eat anything for 3 days, cause everything i ate i just instantly threw up. But its been two whole weeks since it happened, so doubtfully, it still has effect on me

That's three days starving yourself basically. Not your fault naturally but the affect is the same. Ironic how your body throws up the energy it needs to defeat the sickness >.<

And if you weren't eating like a pig in those two weeks after your sickness it's still going to break down your muscle for energy.